轻松美语会话口袋丛书 记忆

恒星英语学习网 2009年06月12日

      Source: 恒星英语学习网我要投稿   论坛   Favorite  

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      同步字幕下载[点击右键另存为][00:00.00]恒星英语(hxen.com) I remember it well.
      [00:02.45]It was an unforgettable experience.
      [00:05.76]I am sure I will never forget this experience.
      [00:09.11]I have a vague memory of those times,but I can't remember anything clearly.
      [00:14.15]This music reminds me of the night we went to hear the symphony in the park.
      [00:18.00]Do you remember?
      [00:19.87]I always think of my aunt when I smell that perfume.
      [00:23.18]She always used to wear it.
      [00:25.16]Today marks our 20th anniversary.You haven't changed a bit since the day I met you.
      [00:31.64]It seems just like yesterday when we were on our way to school and talking about classes and now we're married with children.
      [00:41.15]I want you to have this photograph as something to remember me by.
      [00:45.29]This music box is a remembrance of an old friend.
      [00:48.24]Remember? How could I forget?That was the best night of my life.
      [00:53.75]I remember as if it were yesterday.
      [00:56.48]It's not as if I could ever forget it.
      [00:59.22]That night is going to be with me forever.
      [01:01.92]Those were the good old days.
      [01:03.94]You can never go home again.
      [01:06.20]Back in the day,I used to be a pretty good dancer.
      [01:09.98]I'd give anything to go back to those time.
      [01:12.00]We are gathered here to commemorate the brave actions of our fellow countrymen.
      [01:17.11]We honor our ancestors by remembering what they fought for.
      [01:20.68]Let this plaque serve as a remembrance of this grand occasion.
      [01:24.78]We should let the mistakes of those before us serve as a reminder to us to always be on our guard against corruption.
      [01:34.10]My recollection of events does not quite match with yours. I remember things a little differently.
      [01:40.66]Let us never forget our heritage.
      [01:43.07]I am reminded of a simelar situation that took place many years ago when I first came to this country.
