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恒星英语学习网 2009年06月12日

      Source: 恒星英语学习网我要投稿   论坛   Favorite  

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      同步字幕下载[点击右键另存为][00:00.00]恒星英语(hxen.com)Well, I suppose it's time I was leaving.
      [00:02.81]I really hate saying goodbye.
      [00:05.72]I really have to be going.
      [00:07.88]I wish I didn't have to go .
      [00:09.97]It's too bad , but I have to go .
      [00:12.67]Well it's about time to leave.
      [00:15.52]I should be going now .
      [00:17.53]I've had a great time.
      [00:19.33]It was so nice to see you again .
      [00:21.64]It was nice to see you again.
      [00:23.51]I don't want to wear out my welcome.
      [00:25.96]See you later.
      [00:27.61]I'll be seeing you .
      [00:29.77]I'll see you around.
      [00:31.18]I'll catch you later.
      [00:32.47]I've got to go .
      [00:33.73]I've got to get out of here.
      [00:35.86]I've got to get going.
      [00:37.98]Please give my best wishes to your family when you see them again.
      [00:41.58]I send my warmest wishes to your mother.
      [00:44.53]I'm sure this will not be the last time that we will meet.
      [00:47.74]It was so nice getting to see you again.
      [00:50.18]I hope some day I will have the opportunity to be as hospitable to you.
      [00:54.58]Have a safe trip home.
      [00:56.23]I so enjoyed visiting with you again.
