日常英语口语这么说:第1课 打电话预约医生-1

恒星英语学习网 2014年06月22日

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      1. I’d like to make an appointment with Dr. Galas.
      2. I’m not avaibable tomorrow afternoon.
      3. Dr. Galas is fully engaged tomorrow morning.
      4. I’ve got an infected wound.
      5. What’s your problem?
      6. She’s had a headache for a few days.
      7. Does she have a fever now?
      8. I’m calling to confirm my appointment.
      9. Thank you for your comfirming call.
      10. Please remind him he has an appointment with Dr. Galas.

      1. 我想预约盖勒斯医生。
      2. 我明天下午没有时间。
      3. 盖勒斯医生明天上午的日程已经满了。
      4. 我的伤口感染了。
      5. 您的问题是什么?
      6. 她头痛好几天了。
      7. 她现在发烧吗?
      8. 我想确认一下我的预约。
      9. 谢谢您来电确认。
      10. 请提醒他一下他与盖勒斯医生有预约。


      Hello. This is Dr. Galas Office. Can I help you?
      Yes. I’d like to make an appointment with Dr. Galas. Could you arrange for me?
      Sure. Let me check his schedule. How about tomorrow afternnon at 2:30?
      I’m not available tomorrow afternoon. How about tomorrow morning?
      I’m sorry. Dr. Galas is fully engaged tomorrow morning. How about the day after tomorrow at 9:30 in the morning?
      That’s fine. Thanks.
      You’re welcome. Could I have your name and phone number, please?
      Certainly. My name is Janet Smith, and my phone number is 610-555-1234.
      Very good, Ms. Smith. I have scheduled an appointment for you on Wednesday at 9:30am.
      Thank you very much.
      You’re welcome. See you on Wednesday morning.

      当然。我是Janet Smith,我的电话是610-555-1234.
