日常英语口语这么说:第1课 打紧急电话-5

恒星英语学习网 2014年07月17日

      Source: 恒星英语学习网我要投稿   论坛   Favorite  

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      Hello. 9-1-1. Can I help you?
      Yes. A young guy is trying to come in through my backdoor.
      Where are you now?
      I’m inside the house.
      Give me your address, please.
      906 Main Street West.
      The police are on the way.
      Come quickly, please.



      Hello. 9-1-1. Can I help you?
      Yes. I was robbed a minute ago.
      Are you okay now?
      I’m ok. I’m not badly hurt, but my right hand is bleeding.
      Where are you?
      I’m in a variety store.
      Where is it located?
      It’s located in 1070 James South.
      We’ll be there in a minute.
      Thanks a lot.

