
英语词汇网 2019年08月27日




      (1) 可用作表语或定语:

      She gave a careless shrug. 她随意地耸耸肩。

      A careless remark about his family really set tongues wagging.无心说了一句他的家庭,招来了口舌是非。

      He is absolutely careless in his work. 他在工作方面非常粗枝大叶。

      The media made great capital out of his careless remarks in the interview. 媒体利用他在采访中说漏嘴的话大做文章。

      (2) 以下两类句型同义:

      你没有把门锁上真是太粗心 (太大意)了。

      正:It was careless of you to leave the room unlocked.

      正:You were careless to leave the room unlocked.

      以上第一句句首的it为形式主语,不能改为 that。但是若以上句型后面不出现不定式,那么句首的it也可换为that:


      正:It was very careless of him.

      正:That’s very careless of him.

      (3) 比较以下句型:

      正:He was careless to make the mistake. 他很粗心,结果出了错。(句中的不定式为结果状语)

      正:He was so careless as to make the mistake. (同上)

      正:He was careless in typing the letter. 他打这封信时很粗心。(句中的 in typing the letter有类似 when he was typing the letter 的意思)

      误:He was careless to type the letter. (若此句视为正句,则只能理解为:


      2.表示“不在意的”、“不关心的”等,其后可接介词about, of, with等:

      He’s careless of [about] his clothes. 他不讲究穿着。

      She is careless of [with] his health. 她不注意身体。

      Don’t be so careless with your money. 你花钱不要这样随便。

      He is careless with his pronunciation.他对语音不注意。
