

      Getting angry is punishing oneself for mistakes of others.Forgive others,relieve yourself.生气,就是拿别人的过错来惩罚自己。原谅别人,是放过自己。

      With such fear of tomorrow,how will you live today? 你这么害怕明天,怎么能过好今天?

      It has not been the time yet to give up as long as you still feel it is not the end.只要心里还存着不甘心,就还不到放弃的时候。

      Sometimes, the person you want the most, is the person you're best without.有时候,你最想得到的人,其实是你最应该离开的人。

      And from now on, I'll never look back at the things I had and what I lost now . 从现在起, 我将不再念念不忘那些已经失去的东西。

      Thanks for being my unbiological sister.谢谢你做我的好姐妹。

      Life can be hard at times, but you gotta keep your head held high and stay positive. Never let anyone bring you down.生活有时会是困苦的,但也一定要高扬起头,保持乐观,不要被任何人打倒。

      Life isn't about waiting for the right time to do something. It's the time to do it and don't wait because u could never get it.生活不是要等待时机,光靠等什么都得不到,别再等待,现在就是时候了。

      Sometimes, the simplest advice that you give to others is the hardest thing for you to follow. 有时候,你给别人最简单的建议,却是自己最难做到的。

      Society is a masked ball, where every one hides his real character, and reveals it by hiding.社会就是一个化妆舞会,每个人都隐藏着他们的真实个性,并以这种方式展现在别人面前。

      We've already become like this.What can I do?我们之间的感情,都已经这样了,我还能怎样呢?

      You were the one I wanted the most,but you never seemed to need me.Therefore, I decided to give you up.你曾经是我最想要的,但你似乎从来都不需要我。我想就因为这样,我放弃了你。

      The greatest happiness in life is that you find the one you love is loving you as well.人生最大的幸福,是发现自己爱的人正好也爱着自己。

      I don't know what to say...I'm just thinking of you a lot at this moment. 我不知道该说什么,我只是突然在这一刻,很想你。

      If one really cares for you,he is able to squeeze time for you.No excuses,no lies,no undeliverable promises.如果一个人真的足够在乎你,那么他总能挤出时间来陪你,没有借口、谎言,没有不兑现的诺言。

      Expectation is the root of all heartache. 期待,是所有心痛的根源。 心不动,则不痛。

      You love her,then don't give her any chance to think wild.You never know how much a person loves you as she thinks wild because of you.爱她,就不要给她乱想的机会。因为你永远不会知道,为你乱想的人是多么的爱你。

      I'm sorry that I can't make myself unhappy to please you..很抱歉,我没法委屈自己来取悦你。

      Sometimes, smiles are like band-aids. They cover up the pain but it still hurts. 有时候,微笑就像创可贴。虽然掩饰住了伤口,但是心痛依然。

      Something that I don't talk about doesn't mean I don't care.有些事,我不说,我不问,不代表我不在乎。

      When I text you, that means I miss you. When I don't text, that just means I'm waiting for you to miss me. 当我发讯息给你,就表示我思念你。如果我没有发讯息,那就意味着我在等你思念我。

      when her true love would arrive. 等待着真爱降临的那一天。

      If the one you love doesn't love you,you'd still feel lonely even if the whole world loves you.如果,你喜欢的人不喜欢你,那么,就算全世界的人都喜欢你,你还是觉得很孤独吧?

      Life can only be understood backwards;but it must be lived forwards. 向后看才能理解生活;但要生活好,则必须向前看

      Sweet Dialog: Girl: Is there something that you would change about me? 你有没有想改变我什么?Boy: Yes. 有。Girl: And what's that? 是什么?Boy: Your last name. 你的姓。

      Give so much time to improving yourself that you won't have time to criticize others. 给自己充足的时间来改进自身,你会没时间去批判别人

      Failure does not imply you have wasted time and life. It shows you have reasons to start again.失败并不意味着你浪费了时间和生命,而是表明你有理由重新开始。

      Boys have to be raised in poor otherwise they don't strive for life while girls need to be raised in rich so that they won't be cheated by a piece of cake.男孩穷着养,不然不晓得奋斗:女孩富着养,不然人家一块蛋糕就哄走了。

      I'm just folk.I have mood swings.我只是个平凡人,我也有我的小情绪。

      Today, I am free. 今天,我自由了!