
  • [from trailer] Subhash Nagare 'Sarkar': There are no rights and wrongs. Only power... Swami Virendra: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • [during meditation he realises Shankar is in his house with his gang to get revenge on him and starts to quote the Vedas to try and get out of ending up ad dead meat] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • In the Vedas it says... Shankar Nagre: [interrupting] I don't believe in god, but if you want I'll give you a choice [points a gun at him] Shankar Nagre: ... I can either send you to your maker... or you can deal with me. Swami Virendra: [trying to convince Vishnu to go back to his family home and kill his father to beat the security] If you want the power that is rightfully yours you have to kill your father to become the new sarkar Vishnu Nagre: I can't do that... I can't kill my father. Swami Virendra: The body is a suit for the soul... by killing sarkar you are setting his soul free... so you are not really killing him Subhash Nagare 'Sarkar': Power is gained by joining people together, not by making them go against you. Shankar Nagre: [discussing his business abroad] Everything is fine, my partner and I are doing well... Subhash Nagare 'Sarkar': Your partner's name is Pooja, isn't it? [Everything freezes and the tension begins to build, as Shankar slowly faces his father] Shankar Nagre: Yes. [pause] Subhash Nagare 'Sarkar': When will you introduce her to us? [pause] Shankar Nagre: Whenever you have the time. [The tension is relieved, and father and son exchange awkward grins] [Vishnu has just shot dead his own protégé, who he suspected of stealing his starlet] Vishnu Nagre: [pointing a finger at his father] You're asking ME for an explanation? What about HIM? Look at him! He's ruining things by turning away business worth millions! Subhash Nagare 'Sarkar': Vishnu... get out of this house. I don't want to see you anywhere here from today. Vishnu Nagre: Avantika... Subhash Nagare 'Sarkar': Avantika and Chintu will not go anywhere. [Later, Sarkar meets the starlet] Vishnu Nagre: I have come here to tell you that you have nothing to fear from anyone. It is my personal duty to ensure your safety. [He places his hand on her head] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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