

      [英 [ˈkwɒlɪtətɪv] 美 [ˈkwɑ:ləteɪtətɪv] ]


qualitative 基本解释

      形容词定性的,定质的; 性质上的; 质量的


qualitative 双语例句

      1. qualitative

      1. The following are the main works of this thesis: For a machine, the degree of complexity of its running condition directly corresponds to its dynamic behaviour. To evaluate the degree of complexity of running condition, Chapter 2 proposes two methods: qualitative graphic method --recurrence plot and quantitative estimation criterion.


      2. qualitative

      2. Firstly, this article delimitates financial functions that under market economy by means of qualitative analysis, then explores the quantitative interval of the rational financial revenue scale by means of quantitative analysis.


      3. Ads in a number of companies which carried out the idea of a qualitative study of the various goals of different groups of consumers.


      4. qualitative

      4. Methods The qualitative method combined with the quantitative one was used to compare and analyze business strategies development of new products and organizational and managerial states of the enterprises.


      5. qualitative什么意思

      5. This thess mainly exert the Demonstration Analysis method and combine quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis to make a systemic and intensive study of the public company's infraction of law.


      6. Qualitative Research for Education: An Introduction to Theory and Methods, 3rd ed.


      7. And this article divides the farmers into three grades in the point of qualitative and quantitative views, and according the principle of econometrician, using the way of Oaxaca analysis, choosing and analyzing the controllable variables in the maize process, in order to find the main ingredients which forming the difference about the behaviors of maize producers based on the different maize grossing zones.


      8. The results of the qualitative change depends on just the starting point of oscillating and inking device structure.


      9. qualitative的近义词

      9. Compared to 998 points, A-share listed company fundamentals has been a qualitative improvement.


      10. Through t-test, it is found that there is no marked qualitative difference in welding defects type between shielded metal arc welding and gas shielded arc welding.


      11. qualitative

      11. According to fuzzy metric space, a concept of fuzzy stability of a qualitative reasoning system is defined.


      12. qualitative

      12. This is sometimes put by saying that properties have dispositional and qualitative aspects.


      13. Indeed, every property is both qualitative and dispositional.


      14. A qualitative analysis of the effects of spatial resolutions on the uncertainty of the derived slope in loess hill and gully area information is conducted with the quantitative mathematical formula established.


      15. Firstly, this text mainly carries on the brief summary of traditional savings theory and precautionary savings theory; Then the author qualitatively analyzes the behavior of our urban residents during the transitional period. Proceeding with the characteristics of the institution changes, the author explains the difficulties and deficiency on savings behavior variation of our urban residents when directly applies the western savings theory to our country in this chapter. At the same time, the author expands the precautionary savings theory and applies it to the explanation of our residents` savings behavior mainly evolving from the residents future expenditure uncertainty angle; And then this text inspects the behavior of precautionary saving of our urban residents during the transitional period empirically, through utilizing the revised Dynan Model, picking up the urban residents` consumption, income, price data between 1991 and 2003 of China, the author proves the expenditure uncertainty reason of the precautionary savings theory during the transitional period. Finally, On the basis of the above the qualitative and quantitative analysis, it puts forward suggestions in order to stimulate consumption through reducing residents` precautionary savings together with total savings.

      本文首先对西方储蓄理论进行简要概述,主要介绍了传统储蓄理论及预防性储蓄理论;然后对转轨时期我国城镇居民预防性储蓄行为进行了全面定性的分析,在阐述这一问题时,从中国制度变迁的特点出发,分析了西方储蓄理论在解释我国城镇居民储蓄行为变异上的难点和不足,同时主要从未来支出不确定性角度对西方预防性储蓄理论进行了扩展,并运用扩展的理论对我国城镇居民储蓄行为的变异予以解释;随后文章对转轨时期我国城镇居民预防性储蓄行为进行实证检验,采用修正后的迪南模型,选取 1991——2003 年间中国城镇居民消费、收入及物价数据,对转轨时期我国城镇居民预防性储蓄行为的支出不确定性原因进行验证;最后则在以上定性和定量分析的基础上,提出相应地降低居民预防性储蓄进而降低储蓄率以刺激消费的对策建议。

      16. qualitative的解释

      16. Metabolization, mine qualitative metabolization is divided to wait in photosynthesis, water paragraphic in, appeared a lot of nouns related to agricultural production, term.


      17. Collect rises, dot of public opinion attention has such as this game is had epic the game setting that change, enough is proud of world a large number of heroes super only beautiful picture is qualitative, the volitation that has milepost type air battle set.


      18. qualitative的反义词

      18. This research utilizes the Bower-Burgelman process model (B-B Model) in a qualitative case study for investigation of business exit process to understand the role and responsibility within multilevel managership and strategy making through establishing of the HVF Strategic Business Exit model.



      19. This research chose qualitative research approach and utilized interviews and document analysis for collections of research data.


      20. By means of the qualitative and quantitative analyses on the characteristic of energy spectrum of the scaling functions, the stuitable region of this numerical method of inversion in the image by inversion is given.


qualitative 词典解释

      1. 质量上的;质的;品质的;性质的

      Qualitative means relating to the nature or stardand of something, rather than to its quantity.

      e.g. There are qualitative differences in the way children and adults think...


      e.g. That's the whole difference between quantitative and qualitative research.



      The new media are unlikely to prove qualitatively different from the old...

      新媒体不可能与旧媒体有质的差别。qualitative 单语例句

      1. China should make greater efforts to transform its huge population from a quantitative to a qualitative advantage to cement a foundation for lasting economic prosperity.

      2. Such a change from quantitative to qualitative requires concerted efforts combining governments, industrial associations and enterprises.

      3. It is the responsibility of Africans to ensure that they contribute to their continent's qualitative political progress toward economic independence.

      4. But unless the intangible qualitative integrity of its soft power is retained in this expansion, the messages may sound strident rather than soft.

      5. Several other " qualitative operations " have also been conducted in several other neighborhoods in Aleppo, a scene of intense fighting between the Syrian troops and armed militias.

      6. There was a qualitative leap eight years later in Beijing's hardware and software construction.

      7. Then the quantitative change will translate into the qualitative change, which is a necessary road taken by countries without the first mover advantage.

      8. The emphasis on the number of published papers must be replaced by a qualitative system.

      9. No one doubts that the qualitative reputation of Chinese wines will improve under Rolland's guidance.

      10. Without balanced development, the leap from quantitative to qualitative growth will not happen.

qualitative 英英释义



      1. involving distinctions based on qualities

      e.g. qualitative change

      qualitative data

      qualitative analysis determines the chemical constituents of a substance or mixture

      2. relating to or involving comparisons based on qualities