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  • [跟可可学口语]跟可可学最新口语热词:精品酒店

    Boutique hotel 精品酒店在酒店业,随着个性消费理念的发展,消费者已经越来越不满足于千篇一律的连锁酒店了,精品酒店正成为酒店行业的新军。精品酒店的客人想要的不只是有一张舒服的床这么简单,他们希望酒店本身

    2012-05-19 编辑:echo

  • [酒店英语]酒店英语:舒服的B&B酒店

      摘要:大家在旅行的时候经常会预定酒店,今天给大家介绍的是舒服的B&B酒店.  Nancy:I stayed at a B&B.  Victor:Nancy,什么叫B&B?  Nancy:A B&B, Victor, stands for Bed and Breakf

    2012-06-01 编辑:Amy

  • [酒店英语]酒店英语:订不好酒店出不好差

      说白了,出差就是白天干活、晚上还不许回家。如果你偏偏又是一个休息不好就工作不好的人,酒店乃至一床一枕头都将影响你和你老板的入帐。所以说,出差,订酒店要趁早!  电话接通,开门见山:  I urgently

    2012-06-19 编辑:Amy

  • [旅游文化]旅游英语:中国旅客急增 美国酒店推新

    Major hotel brands are bending over backward to cater to theneeds of the world’s most sought-after traveler: the Chinesetourist.Now arriving on American shores in unprecedented numbers thanks to a s

    2012-06-28 编辑:Amy

  • [外贸口语一点通]外贸口语一点通第211期:酒店入住之

    Reservation 预定房间A: Room Reservations. Good afternoon.订房中心。下午好。B: I'd like to book a double room for December 6th.我想订一间12月6日的双人间。A: That's fine, sir. A double

    2012-07-09 编辑:rainbow

  • [结婚大作战]听电影《结婚大作战》学英语第13期:广场酒店

    原文欣赏Two the first Saturday.两个是六月的第一个周六。 and one the last Saturday.还有一个是六月的最后一个周六。  Oh! My parents' anniversary is the 6th. That's so meant to be.我父

    2012-07-19 编辑:justxrh

  • [结婚大作战]听电影《结婚大作战》学英语第17期:起诉广场酒店

    原文欣赏Come on. Have a nice day.Whatever.好了,祝你们愉快,管他的。  We could sue. We could sue.?我们可以起诉,可以起诉。  We could sue Marion. We could sue Angela.可以告玛瑞安,可以告安吉拉。 

    2012-07-23 编辑:justxrh

  • [酒店英语900句]酒店英语900句 第1章:问候客人

    1.Good morning,sir. 早上好,先生。2.Good afternoon,madam. 中午好,太太。3.Good evening,sir. 晚上好,先生。4.Good night,madam. 晚安,夫人。How are you? 你好吗?Fine,thank you,and you? 很好,谢

    2012-08-03 编辑:kekenet

  • [返老还童]听电影《返老还童》学英语第30期:半夜的酒店

    原文欣赏He died, um, sitting in his favorite chair...他过身时坐在椅子上。listening to his favorite program on the wireless.听着他最爱的广播节目。He must have known something.他一定有预感。  My husb

    2012-08-04 编辑:justxrh

  • [结婚大作战]听电影《结婚大作战》学英语第29期:广场酒店史上最大的笑话?

    原文欣赏I'm starting to think that 30 is the cutoff.我开始觉得30岁是分水岭。  Because it's the last time men want to date women their age.因为那是男人们还愿跟同龄女性约会的最大年纪。

    2012-08-04 编辑:justxrh

  • [酒店英语900句]酒店英语900句 第2章:问候客人(中)

    21.Hope you a pleasant journey home. 祝您回程愉快。22.Happy landing. 一路顺风。23.What can I do for you,sir?先生,请问我可以帮您吗?24.May I help you?我可以帮您忙吗?25.May I be of any assistance?

    2012-08-04 编辑:kekenet

  • [酒店英语900句]酒店英语900句 第3章:问候客人(下)

    41.I’ll look into it. 我将会调查此事。42.How are you?I’m glad to meet you here. 您好!在这里见到您真高兴。43.We haven’t seen you for a long time. How are you getting along? 我们好久没见面了,您好

    2012-08-04 编辑:kekenet

  • [酒店英语900句]酒店英语900句 第4章:客房预订

    81.What kind of room would you like(prefer)?您希望要什么样的房间?82.Would you like a room with a front view or a rear view?您是要窗户临街的房间,还是要背街的房间?83.Do you want a single room or

    2012-08-13 编辑:kekenet

  • [酒店英语900句]酒店英语900句 第5章:入住登记

    138.Would you please complete this registration form?请您填写一下这张登记表,好吗?139.Could you please put your nationality there,sir?先生,请将您的国籍写在这。140.May I ask you to put your name

    2012-08-14 编辑:kekenet

  • [酒店英语900句]酒店英语900句 第6章:换房或续住

    170.May I have your name and room and room number,please?请问您的姓名和房号。171.Just a moment,please. I’ll check our room available for the next three days. 请稍等,我查一下后三天的各房可出租情

    2012-08-15 编辑:kekenet

  • [酒店英语900句]酒店英语900句 第7章:换房或续住

    195.A:I want to change some money,where is the bank? 我想兑换一些钱,请问银行在哪? B:Go upstairs from here and then turn left. It’s next to the post office. 请从这里上楼然后左

    2012-08-16 编辑:kekenet

  • [酒店英语900句]酒店英语900句 第8章:行李服务

    235.Good afternoon,sir. Welcome to the International Hotel. 下午好,先生,欢迎光临国际大酒店。236.How many pieces of luggage do you have?请问您一共有几件行李?237.I’ll show you to the Reception De

    2012-08-17 编辑:kekenet

  • [酒店英语900句]酒店英语900句 第9章:电话总机服务

    273.International hotel. May I help you?国际大酒店,我可以帮您吗?274.I’m putting you through,sir. I’m sorry,there’s no answer. Would you like to leave a message or to call back?我给您接过去,先

    2012-08-18 编辑:kekenet

  • [酒店英语900句]酒店英语900句 第10章:结帐与兑换服务

    323.Good morning,Front Office Cashier’s,can I help you?早上好,前厅收银,我能帮您忙吗?324.Good morning,sir. May I be of service?早上好,先生,我可以为您服务吗?325.Are you checking out today,

    2012-08-20 编辑:kekenet

  • [酒店英语900句]酒店英语900句 第11章:订票服务

    391.Will you book a ticket to Paris for me?请您为我顶一张到巴黎的机票,好吗?392.Yes, madam. When do you intend to leave Beijing?好的,太太,您想什么时候离开北京?393.Next Monday,May 15th. 下周一,

    2012-08-21 编辑:kekenet
