

      2)  Ventricular effective refractory period



      The research was aimed to investigate the effects of angiotensin-(1-7) at different doses on ventricular effective refractory period and ventricular fibrillation threshold in rats with chronic heart failure.



      To investigate the change of ventricular beta2 adrenergic receptor(AR) mRNA levels and the effects of beta2 adrenergic blocker on ventricular fibrillation threshold(VFT) and ventricular effective refractory period(VERP) after myocardial infarction(MI).



      3)  atrial effective refractory period



      Objective:To investigate Cx40 and Cx43 expressions of atria in patients with rheumatic heart diseases and chronic atrial fibrillation and their relationship with correspondent atrial effective refractory period(AERP) for elucidating effects of Cx40 and Cx43 on electrophysiologic characters.

      目的:通过检测风心病慢性房颤患者左、右心房缝隙连接蛋白Cx40 和Cx43 表达及相应部位的心房有效不应期(AERP)研究两者之间的相关性,探讨Cx40和Cx43对慢性房颤左、右心房电生理特性的影响。


      4)  AVNERP



      Relationship between AVNERP and the relapse of AVNRT after RFCA 7 cases report;


      5)  atrial effective refractory period dispersion


      6)  effective refractory period



      Effect of autonomic nervous system on transmural dispersion of effective refractory period upon acute myocardial infarction in rabbits in vivo;



      Effects of short-term atrial fibrillation on effective refractory period and L-type calcium current of rabbit pulmonary vein cardiomyocytes;



      Relationship between effective refractory periods and inducibility of atrial fibrillation in different parts of atrium of goat;

