

      2)  self-synchronization



      The high frequency screen composition and working principle are introduced,through the establishment of self-synchronization shaker mathematical model for dynamic analysis,starting against QZK2445 high frequency screen their bearings,electrical power,steel spring of static and projectile index,vibration intensity of a series of key factors,such as checking,a reasonable choice of a series of data.



      Based on the command and control theory in the information age,the value and working mechanism of self-synchronization in improving the battle effectiveness of troops is discussed,and the self-synchronization realization methods and principles based on rule set are brought forward.



      By numerical simulation,the effects of the exciters eccentric torque,motor power and resisting moment due to rotating friction on self-synchronization motion are discussed.


      3)  non-self-synchronization


      4)  synchrodrive



      Dynamic Analysis of ZK36525 Synchrodrive Linear Vibrating Screen;


      5)  self-synchronous



      Design and Construction Analysis of self-synchronous riddle;



      Electromechanical-coupling mechanism of self-synchronous vibrating system with three-motor-driving;



      Study on the electromechanical-coupling mechanism of self-synchronous vibrating system with two-motor-driving based on matlab;


      6)  automorphism



      Non-singular feedback function over F_2+vF_2 and its automorphism;



      The orders of the automorphism groups of some groups of order p~6;



      Algebra Automorphisms of the Quanized Enveloping Algebra U_q(_sl_2) at Generic;



      自同态  强自同态  内自同构  自同态环  *-自同态  P-自同构  图自同构  Jordan自同构  幂自同态  分形谱 


      automorphism semi-group
      自同态半群【。日朋职神蜘1胭拍~gn月Ip;3职翻叩中翻佣uo二yrpynna] 某对象(赋以某种结构口的集合X)的自同态对于乘法(依次进行变换)运算组成的半群.对象X可以是向量空间、拓扑空间、代数系、图等等;通常把它看成是某范畴(cat咫驹ry)的对象,而通常该范畴中的态射(Ino印hism)是保持口中关系的映射(线性变换或连续变换,同态等).X的全部自同态(即到它的子对象的态射)的集合EndX是X的全部变换的半群几(见变换半群沁田旅几m以tion~~g毛叩”的子半群. 半群EndX可以包含结构a的大量的信息.例如设X和Y分别是除环F和H上的维数)2的向量空间,若它们的自同态(即,线性变换)的半群EndX和EndY同构,就推出X和Y(特别是F和H)同构.某些前序集和格,每个B以〕le环,某些别的代数系都被它们的自同态半群决定到同构.对某些模和变换半群这也是对的.X的类似的信息由EndX的某个真子半群倒,拓扑空间的同胚变换的半群)所负载. 用这种方法,对象X的一些类(例,拓扑空间)可以由它们的部分自同态的半群也即是作为X的子对象的态射的部分变换的半群所刻画.
