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复数lights 复数lit 复数lighted 复数lit 复数lighted 复数lighting 复数lights 复数lighter 复数lightest 
派生词:lightish lightless lightness lightish lightly lightness 

1 . The lightwent out, and the room was plunged into darkness.



2 . The company manufactures a range of innovative light-weight cycles.



3 . The builders have perched a lightconcrete dome on eight slender columns.



4 . Blend the butter with the sugar and beat until lightand creamy.



5 . The overhead lightwas covered now with a white globe.




light up

1 . (使)变得容光焕发或振奋

light into 【非正式用语】

2 . 猛烈攻击;痛击

light out 【非正式用语】

3 . 匆匆离去;突然离开

bring (或 come) to light

4 . (使)真相大白

go out like a light

5 . (非正式)睡着;突然失去知觉

in a — light

6 . 以特定方式

in the light of (或北美in light of)

7 . 根据,考虑到

light a fire under someone1. the exorbitant prices are explainable in the light of the facts.考虑到实际情况,这么高的价钱也是情有可原的。light and shade

8 . (绘画中的)明暗对比

light at the end of the tunnel

9 . (历尽艰辛之后的)希望之光

light the fusethe light of day

10 . 日光

the light of someone's life

11 . 心爱的人,生命的阳光

lights out

12 . (学校宿舍、军营等)熄灯

lit up

13 . (非正式,旧)醉了

see the light

14 . (经长时间考虑后)明白过来,顿悟

see the light of day

15 . 出生

throw (或 cast, shed) light on

16 . 阐明某事,使了解某事

be light on

17 . 很缺乏

be light on one's feet

18 . (人)动作迅速,敏捷

a (或 someone's) light touch

19 . 机敏老练的应对本领;一笔带过的处理方法

make light of

20 . 不重视

make light work of

21 . 快速而轻松完成(任务)

travel light

22 . 轻装旅行

light up (或 light something up)

23 . (指脸部表情或眼神)突然出现(或使突然出现)活跃(或欢快)的神色,眉开眼笑,喜形于色

light into

24 . (北美,非正式)严厉批评;抨击

light out

25 . (北美,非正式)匆匆离开


in (the) light of

1 . 鉴于;基于对…的考虑

go light on

2 . 随意地处理或小心翼翼地对待

Old English lēoht, līht(noun and adjective), līhtan(verb), of Germanic origin; related to Dutch lichtand German Licht, from an Indo-European root shared by Greek leukoswhite and Latin luxlightOld English lēocht, līht(noun), lēohte(adverb), of Germanic origin; related to Dutch lichtand German leicht, from an Indo-European root shared by lungOld English līhtan(in sense 2; also lessen the weight of), from light; compare with alight

1.(physics) electromagnetic radiation that can produce a visual sensation;

the light was filtered through a soft glass window

2.any device serving as a source of illumination;

he stopped the car and turned off the lights

3.a particular perspective or aspect of a situation;

although he saw it in a different light, he still did not understand

4.the quality of being luminous; emitting or reflecting light;

its luminosity is measured relative to that of our sun

5.an illuminated area;

he stepped into the light

6.a condition of spiritual awareness; divine illumination;

follow God's light

7.the visual effect of illumination on objects or scenes as created in pictures;

he could paint the lightest light and the darkest dark

8.a person regarded very fondly;

the light of my life

9.mental understanding as an enlightening experience;

he finally saw the light

10. having abundant light or illumination;

they played as long as it was light

11. public awareness;

it brought the scandal to light

12. brightness and animation of countenance;

he had a sparkle in his eye

13. a visual warning signal;

they saw the light of the beacon

14. a device for lighting or igniting fuel or charges or fires;

do you have a light?

15.of comparatively little physical weight or density;

a light load

16.(used of color) having a relatively small amount of coloring agent;

light blue

17.of the military or industry; using (or being) relatively small or light arms or equipment;

light infantry

18.not great in degree or quantity or number;

a light sentence

19.psychologically light; especially free from sadness or troubles;

a light heart

20.characterized by or emitting light;

a room that is light when the shutters are open

21.used of vowels or syllables; pronounced with little or no stress;

a syllable that ends in a short vowel is a light syllable

22.easily assimilated in the alimentary canal; not rich or heavily seasoned;

a light diet

23.(used of soil) loose and large-grained in consistency;

light sandy soil

24. (of sound or color) free from anything that dulls or dims;

efforts to obtain a clean bass in orchestral recordings

25. moving easily and quickly; nimble;

the dancer was light and graceful

26. demanding little effort; not burdensome;

light housework

27. of little intensity or power or force;

the light touch of her fingers

28. (physics, chemistry) not having atomic weight greater than average;

light water is ordinary water

29. weak and likely to lose consciousness;

suddenly felt faint from the pain

30. very thin and insubstantial;

thin paper

31. marked by temperance in indulgence;

abstemious meals

32. less than the correct or legal or full amount often deliberately so;

a light pound

33. having little importance;

losing his job was no light matter

34. intended primarily as entertainment; not serious or profound;

light verse

35. silly or trivial;

idle pleasure

36. having a spongy or flaky texture; well-leavened;

light pastries

37. designed for ease of movement or to carry little weight;

light aircraft

38. having relatively few calories;

diet cola

39. (of sleep) easily disturbed;

in a light doze

40. casual and unrestrained in sexual behavior;

her easy virtue

41.with few burdens;

experienced travellers travel light


1.make lighter or brighter;

This lamp lightens the room a bit

2.begin to smoke;

After the meal, some of the diners lit up

3.to come to rest, settle;

Misfortune lighted upon him

4.cause to start burning; subject to fire or great heat;

Great heat can ignite almost any dry matter

5.fall to somebody by assignment or lot;

The task fell to me

6.get off (a horse)



2. 计时灯光




1.轻集料,light-weight aggregate


1.光切法,light-section method 使与被测物体表面成一定角度的平面光束投射到被测物体上,以测定物体表面微观形状、粗糙度等的方法。

2. 光切显微镜, light-section microscope 利用光切法测量零件表面粗糙度的仪器。其表面粗糙度测量范围为1~100μm。


1.光诱围网,purse seine 用灯光诱集捕捞对象后进行包围作业的围网


1.聚光本领,light-gathering power

2. 轻气炮,light-gas gun

3. 光锥[流]代数,light-cone [current] algebra

4. 光敏阴极,light-sensitive cathode








1 . 光

麻烦的是“山有小口,仿佛若有光”,其中第一个“有”,我没有使用have之类的动词,而是用介词加宾语的形式表达with a cave,第二个“有”,也同样采用现在分词构成的独立分词形式,其主语是“光”(light),谓语是“闪烁”flickering。最后的译文是:Finally the grove ending.

2 . 轻


3 . 光的

light光明的, light光的, light光照条件

4 . 灯

灯灯灯(Light) 源自http://www.tudou.com/listplay/Icl7UAlbQZs/xR7yfJvMg44.html?bid=03&pid=04&resourceId=56646544_03_05_04分享到.


1 . 灯火

They blacked out the city switching off all lights ., 他们熄灭所有灯火, 对城市实行灯火管制.


1 . 莱特妮丝



1 . 照明

Heating),冰箱(DomesticRefrigeration)及各类灯具照明(lighting)等之第四大耗电产品,故澳政府将进一步扩大能源评鉴标章至消费性电子产品,如电视(Televisions),外接电源供应(External Power Supplies),机上盒(Set Top.

2 . 打光

打光(LIGHTING) 为肖像照打光光线可对拍摄对象外观产生很大影响。 只要改变光照状况,您可以将吸引人的表情变成一种令人恶心的表情。 打光- 光线强度明亮的.

+lighting /

1 . 照明及

3 ~ 5years FAE experience on Touch Panel / LED lighting / Power Management related a plus .5年FAE工作经验,最好从事触摸屏,LED照明及电源管理等相关经验。
