拿下同音字词汇 助攻雅思听力9分好成绩

查字典英语网 2016年02月26日

      eight - numberbetween 7 and 9, 八

      ate - pasttenseofeat, 吃的过去式

      bear - abig, hairyanimal

      bear - tobeabletowithstandsomething

      bare - exposed

      bred - pasttenseofbreed 繁殖的过去式

      bread - atypeoffood 面包

      be - is 主动词 be

      bee - aninsect 蜜蜂

      caught - pasttenseofcatch 抓的过去式

      ccot - aportablebedthatfoldsforstorage 轻便小床

      fan - adeviceformovingair 风扇

      fan - shortforfanatic 狂热,爱好者

      groan - noisemadeinmisery 呻吟

      grown - fullymature 长大的

      hart- 雄鹿

      heart - energeticorenthusiastic 心脏

      herd - agroupofanimals 牧群

      heard - pasttenseofhear 听的过去式

      I - me, myself 我

      eye - bodypartweseewith 眼睛

      made - pasttenseofmake 做的过去式

      maid - aladythatcleanshomeorhotelsforaliving 女佣

      no - oppositeofyes 不

      know - beawareofsomething 知道

      roes - pluralofroe = anargument 雌鹿的过去式

      rows - pluralofrow = arowofvegetablesplantedinafarmersfield, arowofseatsinatheatre 行,排
