
怎样背单词 2017年02月22日 12:25

      [01:22.46]- I mean, its not exactly the same- - And you hated Toby. 虽然有点不 [01:25.22]你只爱死了披上身的动物 [01:28.78]Youre just saying all this stuff because George is so... attractive. 你这样说只是因为乔治好有

      [01:22.46]- I mean, it's not exactly the same- - And you hated Toby. 虽然有点不…
      [01:28.78]You're just saying all this stuff because George is so... attractive. 你这样说只是因为乔治好有魅力
      [01:33.18]- Or some people think he is. - I did not hate that dog. 至少有人这样想
      [01:36.58]I just hated it when he slobbered on me.
      [01:38.58]And I could like soy milk and hiking if I tried it. Maybe. 我也可尝试喝豆奶,爬山
      [01:46.10]Hey, Tess. What do you say you come out here. Let's see that arm. 出来蒂莎?看看你的手力
      [01:46.50]Ooh. Fun. Are we gonna shag now? (Giggles) 好的,一起抓吧?
      [01:54.78]- Ever done this before? - No. I don't know how to do this. - 有没有打过? - 没有,不懂
      [01:56.46]- Here you go. - Okay. Like that? - 来 - 就这样?
      [02:00.42]Put this arm down there. All right? Hold that elbow up. 放低这只手臂,手肘提高
      [02:02.22]- Okay: - All right: Hold it there: 对,就这样
      [02:04.82]Hi. 你好,谢谢
      [02:07.10]Thank you. Thank you.
      [02:14.54]- (Sighs) Oh: - #I'm in like with you #
      [02:15.50]- "Love, George." - Ah. ‘爱你的,乔治’
      [02:17.50]#Not in love with you quite yet #
      [02:22.90]- George. - #My heart's beginning to #
      [02:25.26]Oh, that's terrifiic. 噢,很好
      [02:27.78]#Slightly overrule my head #
      [02:29.94]#Oh, no, oh, no My self-control #
      [02:35.90]- #It won't hold up for very long # - (Mouths Word)
      [02:38.58]#Oh, no, oh, no #
      [02:42.18]- # You touch my soul # - We should all go fiishing together sometime. 哪天一起去钓鱼,好吗?