
怎样背单词 2016年12月11日 22:27

      [03:10.46]- What is that? - JANE: What? [03:11.66](KNOCKING ON DOOR) 也许他又改变心意 [03:12.82]Maybe hes changed his mind. [03:12.98](DOG BARKING) [03:14.66](KNOCKING ON DOOR) 来了 [03:22.70]Yes? 请问哪位? [03:26.38]Lady Ca

      [03:10.46]- What is that? - JANE: What?

      [03:11.66](KNOCKING ON DOOR) 也许他又改变心意

      [03:12.82]Maybe he's changed his mind.

      [03:12.98](DOG BARKING)

      [03:14.66](KNOCKING ON DOOR) 来了

      [03:22.70]Yes? 请问哪位?

      [03:26.38]Lady Catherine. 凯萨琳夫人

      [03:33.90]The rest of your offspring, I presume. 我猜这些是你们家的千金

      [03:37.42]All but one, the youngest has been lately married, Your Ladyship. 我的么女最近嫁出去了

      [03:40.94]And my eldest1 was proposed to, only this afternoon. 大女儿今天下午才刚订婚

      [03:45.30]You have a very small garden, madam. 你们家的花园很小

      [03:48.30]Could I offer you a cup of tea, perhaps, Your... 你要喝杯茶吗?

      [03:51.46]Absolutely not. I need to speak to Miss Elizabeth Bennet alone. 不用了,我想私下和伊莉莎白谈谈

      [03:54.66]As a matter of urgency. 这是件急事

      [03:58.86]You can be at no loss, Miss Bennet, to understand why I am here. 你一定知道我来这里的原因

      [04:04.70]Indeed you're mistaken. I cannot account for this honour at all. 你弄错了,我完全不知道

      [04:05.70]Miss Bennet, I warn you, am not to be trifled with. 我警告你,别跟我装蒜

      [04:10.06]A report of a most alarming nature has reached me 我刚得知一件很严重的消息

      [04:11.90]that you intend to be united with my nephew, Mr Darcy. 听说你要和我外甥达西在一起

      [04:18.74]I know this to be a scandalous falsehood, 我知道这一定是恶毒的谣言

      [04:20.26]though not wishing to injure him by supposing it possible, 也不想为这件不可能的事伤害他

      [04:23.78]I instantly set off to make my sentiments known. 不过我还是立刻表示反对

      [04:24.78]If you believed it to be impossible, 你明知不可能为何大老远赶来?

      [04:27.78]I wonder you took the trouble of coming so far.

      [04:29.78]Your coming will be rather a confirmation2, surely, 你来这里反而证明有这个谣言