
怎样背单词 2015年07月07日 12:40

      [01:59.76]Yeah. Would a breakfast work? 是,早餐时间采访成吗? [02:06.04]I believed her. What kind of idiot am I? 我居然相信她了,我是个怎样的傻瓜啊? [02:07.92]She said, Its about our generation turning 30. 她说

      [01:59.76]Yeah. Would a breakfast work? 是,早餐时间采访成吗?

      [02:06.04]I believed her. What kind of idiot am I? 我居然相信她了,我是个怎样的傻瓜啊?

      [02:07.92]She said, "It’s about our generation turning 30." 她说是关于奔三的这代人的

      [02:10.20]What’d you expect? Annabelle was always a liar5. 你想怎样?Annebelle本来就是个骗子

      [02:12.04]"Julie Powell, once the editor of the Amherst literary magazine, Julie Powell,曾经是一位美国文学杂志的编辑

      [02:16.24]"the one we all knew would be ’The One,’ 是所有人都看好,特殊的一个

      [02:18.44]"temped for eight years before giving up on her novel, 她尝试了六年,但最终不得不放弃她的小说

      [02:23.20]"and now works in a cubicle6 as a mid-level bureaucrat7, 现在在一个小隔间里上班,成了一位中产官僚

      [02:27.16]"attempting to deal with the aftereffects of 9l11." 天天忙于处理911事件的灾后效应

      [02:28.76]Oh, God, you memorized it? How pathetic. 噢,天哪,你还背下来了吗?太可悲了

      [02:33.04]She left so much out. 她漏掉了那么多其它的

      [02:38.04]Anyway, the picture was good. 不管怎么说,照片拍的不错

      [02:39.12]- I looked fat. - Just your face. - 我看上去肥死了 - 你的脸本来就这样

      [02:45.04]I forgot to tell you. Do you know what Annabelle’s doing now? 我忘了告诉你了,你知道Annebelle现在在干嘛吗?

      [02:50.32]- Sarah told me. A blog. - Of what? - Cera告诉我说她在写博客 - 什么的博客?

      [02:53.32]What do you mean "of what"? A blog of Annabelle. 你是什么意思?当然是关于Annebelle的博客了