
怎样背单词 2022年03月16日 16:56

      [01:48.52]Can you spare a few minutes for the Immaculate Conception 5 ? 你能不能花几分钟讲讲圣母怀胎? [01:54.00]Truth is, even if theyre wrong... 实际上,就算他们错了... [01:58.16]...even if that one thing is gonna

      [01:48.52]Can you spare a few minutes for the Immaculate Conception5? 你能不能花几分钟讲讲圣母怀胎?
      [01:54.00]Truth is, even if they're wrong... 实际上,就算他们错了...
      [01:58.16]...even if that one thing is gonna be the ruin of them... ...就算有那么件事情 可以把他们都毁了...
      [02:01.84]...if you can beat that last bit out of them, then they ain 't fighters at all. ...如果你能把他们彻底打败 那他们就不算是拳手了
      [02:06.84]-Thought I said I'd see you Monday. -You sure did, boss. - 我记得我说过让你周一再来 - 没错,老板
      [02:10.20]You said not to argue with you. 你说不要和你争论
      [02:10.48]That was Iast night. 就是昨晚说的
      [02:25.08]Damn woman won't do a thing I tell her. 该死的女人总是不按我的指挥做事
      [02:27.56]You want my advice? 想听我的建议么?
      [02:30.08]What? 什么?
      [02:33.68]Where are your shoes? 你的鞋子哪去了?
      [02:36.04]I'm airing out my feet. 我给我的脚透透风
      [02:39.12]You got big holes in your socks. 你的袜子上净是大洞
      [02:41.72]Oh, they're not that big. 噢,没有那么大啦
      [02:44.80]Didn't I give you money for some new ones? 我不是给你钱去买新的了吗?