
怎样背单词 2017年08月24日 12:09

      [02:10.76]Is it fear or courage that compels you, fleshling? 是因为勇气或恐惧促使你这么做? [02:28.08]Where do I go? 我该去哪里? [02:30.28]Give me the All Spark and you may live to be my pet. 把火种源交给我 就饶你

      [02:10.76]Is it fear or courage that compels you, fleshling? 是因为勇气或恐惧促使你这么做?
      [02:28.08]Where do I go? 我该去哪里?
      [02:30.28]Give me the All Spark and you may live to be my pet. 把火种源交给我 就饶你一命当我的宠物
      [02:36.40]Oh, no, no, no, no. 惨了,惨了
      [02:41.60]I'm never giving you this All Spark! 我绝不会把火种源给你
      [02:45.88]Oh, so unwise. 你太蠢了
      [02:59.88]I got you, boy. 我接住你了
      [03:04.08]Hold on to the Cube! 抓紧方块
      [03:24.04]- Oh, no. Oh, no! - Disgusting. 可恶
      [03:31.52]Sam? 山姆
      [03:37.76]You risked your life to protect the Cube. 你冒了生命危险保护方块
      [03:41.64]No sacrifice, 没有牺牲...
      [03:48.60]you must push the Cube into my chest. 你就把方块塞进我的胸口
      [03:51.20]I will sacrifice myself to destroy it. 我要牺牲自己摧毁火种源
      [03:53.88]Get behind me. 躲到我后面
      [03:57.56]It's you and me, Megatron. 我们要一决胜负,霸天虎
      [03:59.24]No, it's just me, Prime. 不,只有我会胜利
      [04:05.72]At the end of this day, one shall stand, one shall fall. 今天就来个彻底了结 不是你死就是我亡!
      [04:17.92]You still fight for the weak! That is why you lose! 你就是一直保护弱者,所以才会输
      [04:41.88]Fighter jets in 60 seconds. 战机一分钟后到
      [04:42.88]We got friendlies mixed with bad guys. Targets will be marked. 敌友不分,我们会标示目标
      [04:44.16]Hey. 嘿
      [04:47.12]Bring the rain. All right? 开火吧
      [04:51.40]All right, let's kill these things. 把这些怪物杀死
      [04:55.28]- Move, move, move! - Remember, aim low. 瞄低一点
      [04:55.92]Armor's weak under the chest. 他们的胸部最脆弱