
怎样背单词 2017年09月11日 12:00

      [02:47.68]He could go to the moon and back and Lucy would never even know he left. 那小子就算去一趟月球 露西也不会知道他离开过 [02:51.28]Sometimes I wish my wife had Goldfield Syndrome 6 . 真希望我老婆得了金氏症

      [02:47.68]He could go to the moon and back and Lucy would never even know he left. 那小子就算去一趟月球 露西也不会知道他离开过
      [02:51.28]Sometimes I wish my wife had Goldfield Syndrome6. 真希望我老婆得了金氏症候群
      [02:54.12]That way she wouldn't remember when I called her mother... 那样她就不记得我说过她老妈...
      [02:57.64]...a loud, obnoxious7 drunk with a face like J. Edgar Hoover's ass. 长得像得过天花加嘛疯的如花
      [03:03.48]All right. There's your medicine, little fellow. 好,这是你的药,小家伙
      [03:06.44]Ula! Get back to cleaning the pool 芭乐!回去清理池子!
      [03:11.92]If that's one of your special brownies, don't let any of the dolphins eat that. 你的特制巧克力蛋糕 可别让海豚吞下胜
      [03:14.12]How do you think I get them to double flip8 and play with white kids? 你以为我怎么训练海豚跳高 还教他们陪小鬼玩?
      [03:21.80]Okay, Willie, that's it. 好了,小威,就这样

      [03:24.84]This time try to stay clean for more than a day. 这回试着保持干净吧
      [03:26.88]I made you a nice anchovy9 sundae. 我帮你准备了鳀鱼圣代
      [03:27.36]Okay, enjoy that. 好好享受
      [03:30.04]Henry? 亨利?
      [03:33.00]- Hey! - How's your head? -你好! -你的头没事吧?
      [03:36.60]- Oh, it's fine. Don't worry. - Good. -没事,别担心 -很好
      [03:37.96]What brings your royal cuteness out here? 怎么有空大驾光临?
      [03:40.76]I needed to see you. 我要见你
      [03:42.36]Okay. What you got there? 好吧,你手上拿着什么?
      [03:44.92]It's my journal I write in it every night. 我的日记,我每晚都写
      [03:47.24]- Oh, you don't like the video? - No, I love it. -你不喜欢录影带? -我喜欢
      [03:56.16]...from someone else. And when I read this... 而当我读这本日记...