
怎样背单词 2017年01月22日 12:26

      [00:31.78]Its just that being with this family... 只是...和这个家庭在一起的时候... [00:35.78]- Ive never had a... - (man) Put your hands up! 我从来没有过个家庭... 举起手来! [00:35.82] [00:38.62]The Chuns? Chuns?

      [00:31.78]It's just that being with this family...  只是...和这个家庭在一起的时候...

      [00:35.78]- I've never had a... - (man) Put your hands up!  我从来没有过个家庭... 举起手来!


      [00:38.62]The Chuns?  Chuns?


      [00:42.02]You gotta be kidding. I swear I checked them out.  你们一定是在开玩笑 我发誓我已经调查过他们了

      [00:44.62]Give us the key.  把钥匙给我们

      [00:47.82]- (man) Put your hands up! - Okay. All right.  举起手来! 好的

      [00:51.78]Here.  这里


      [00:56.46]Now!  现在!


      [01:04.10]You promised us GHOST months ago!  你一个月之前就说可以把幽灵交给我们

      [01:06.66]Well, I'm sorry. There were delays.  不好意思,事情有些耽搁

      [01:10.18]Shane!  雪恩!

      [01:10.86]Stop talking.  闭嘴!

      [01:12.74]Shane's not gonna be babysitting you anymore.  雪恩不会再来看护你们了

      [01:17.34]I trusted you. Howard trusted you.  我那么相信你 霍华得那么相信你

      [01:20.02]You've betrayed us and you've betrayed this country.  你背叛了我们 拟背叛了这个国家

      [01:25.46]Guess what? North Korea pays better.  猜怎么着? 北韩给我更多的钱

      [01:28.34]Chun, watch them. They're squirmy.  Chun,看着他们 他们在蠕动


      [01:32.74]You two, come with me.  你们两个,跟我来

      [01:36.02](muffled yelling)


      [01:56.58](beeping, bolts releasing)


      [02:10.58]Did you bring the stethoscope, Mrs. Chun?  你有没有带听诊器Chun夫人?

      [02:13.86]No, but I've got some C-4.  没有,不过我有不少c4