
怎样背单词 2017年07月03日 12:14

      [00:24.82]No, youre not! 不,你不是! [00:25.02]Yes, I am! 我就是! [00:30.02]Okay. HaiI, emperor. 好吧,君主万岁 [00:32.18]Attention, Springfield, 斯普林菲尔德,请注意 [00:34.54]Your government realized that putti

      [00:24.82]No, you're not! 不,你不是!
      [00:25.02]Yes, I am! 我就是!
      [00:30.02]Okay. HaiI, emperor. 好吧,君主万岁
      [00:32.18]Attention, Springfield, 斯普林菲尔德,请注意
      [00:34.54]Your government realized that putting you inside this dome2 was a terrible mistake, 政府意识到把你们笼罩于此是个弥天大错
      [00:39.90]Therefore, we're commencing with Operation Soaring Eagle, 所以我们将采取"翔鹰"计划
      [00:45.06]Which involves killing3 you all, 其中包括将你们全部歼灭
      [00:54.30]As I speak, we're lowering a small but powerful bomb into your midst, 我讲话的同时,一个看似微小 却威力无比的炸弹已经启动
      [01:07.18]Despite everything, I miss your father. 尽管过去发生的不愉快 但我好想念你爸爸
      [01:11.86]Me too. 我也是
      [01:13.34]His big, fat ass4 couId shieId us aII. 这时候他的大屁股能把我们都遮住
      [01:21.38]Ten-hut! 立正!
      [01:22.58]At ease. I'm GeneraI Marriott Suites5. . . 稍息, 我是马力·斯维奇将军…
      [01:28.58]. . .and I have an urgent note from the president. …我有总统的紧急通知
      [01:29.94]It says to reIease this town immediateIy. 上面说,立即释放此地
      [01:32.26]Why is it written on a Ieaf? 为什么会写在叶子上?
      [01:42.38](1、击倒警卫) (2、爬过大漏坑)
      [01:43.46](3、拯救城市) (4、返还门卫工作服)
      [01:58.38]Perfect. 太好了 (强力胶)
      [02:00.22]Now Homer Simpson's gonna show he has cojones! 荷马·辛普森这回要叫 你们看看我也是有种的人!