
怎样背单词 2017年07月03日 12:15

      [04:16.42]And now theres onIy time to say: 现在到了生命的尽头,我只想说 [04:18.94]Life weII spent! 这太充实了! [04:25.30]Okay, boys. When you meet Jesus, be sure to caII him Mr. Christ. 好了,孩子们,要是见到耶

      [04:16.42]And now there's onIy time to say: 现在到了生命的尽头,我只想说…
      [04:18.94]Life weII spent! 这太充实了!
      [04:25.30]Okay, boys. When you meet Jesus, be sure to caII him Mr. Christ. 好了,孩子们,要是见到耶稣 一定记着要称他"耶稣先生"
      [04:29.98]WiII Buddha7 be there too? 佛祖也会在那儿吗?
      [04:31.98]No. 不
      [04:34.66]-Hey, FIanders.   -Bart. - 嘿,佛兰德斯   - 巴特
      [04:36.98]How good to see you. And how terribIe you're here. 见到你真高兴,你在这儿可真糟
      [04:42.02]Thanks. 谢谢
      [04:43.34]Listen. I was just wondering if. . . 听着,我在想…
      [04:47.02]. . .before I died. . . …我死前…
      [04:50.38]. . .I couId pretend I had a father who. . . …可以假装成有个…
      [04:54.74]. . .cared for me. …关心我的爸爸
      [04:56.74]Come here, son. 过来,孩子
      [04:57.74]There's aIways room for one more in the FIanders cIan. 佛兰德斯永远欢迎你
      [00:05.78]Come on, bomb-disarming robot. You're our Iast hope. 快点,拆弹机器人,现在就指望你了
      [00:11.14]Red wire, Blue wire, Black is usually the ground, 红线、蓝线,黑线一般是接地线…
      [00:15.82]So much pressure, 机器人压力重重
      [00:18.34]Pressure! 压力!
      [00:24.34]He'd been taIking about it, but I didn't take him seriousIy. 他一直这么说,不过我完全没当回事
      [00:33.74]Marge! Marge! 玛芝!玛芝!
      [00:34.22]Marge. 玛芝
      [00:38.42]Oh, no, the ''epipha-tree'' ! 哦,不,大树!
      [00:41.06]Hey, I tried my best. What am I supposed to do? 嘿,我已经尽力了,还想叫我怎么样?