
怎样背单词 2017年06月14日 12:16

      [00:52.74]Please, you have to do something 求你了 你得采取点措施啊 [00:54.12]Permission to fire? 请求开火 [00:55.54]Hold your fire. I repeat, hold your fire. Not until Pierce shows himself. 不准开枪 重复 不准开枪 除非

      [00:52.74]Please, you have to do something 求你了 你得采取点措施啊
      [00:54.12]Permission to fire? 请求开火
      [00:55.54]Hold your fire.  I repeat, hold your fire. Not until Pierce shows himself. 不准开枪 重复 不准开枪 除非Pierce出现
      [01:00.38]You're very beautiful, Elise. 你很美 Elise
      [01:01.96]Try to combine it with a little intelligence. 要是再有点智商就更好了
      [01:04.96]And tell me where the safe is. - If I knew it, I would tell you. - 告诉我保险箱在哪 - 我知道的话会告诉你的
      [01:12.68]In my opinion she knows nothing. 我觉得她不知道
      [01:16.31]You have to go in. They're gonna kill her. 你们必须动手了 他们会杀了她
      [01:19.02]Where's my interpreter? - They're going to kill her. - 我的翻译呢 - 他们会杀了她的
      [01:21.90]She can handle herself. - She can handle herself? - 她自己能应付 - 她自己能应付?
      [01:25.98]She's one of us. 她是我们的人
      [01:28.32]Expert in undercover operations. 卧底行动专家
      [01:31.32]When I sent her to Russia to find Pierce 我派她去俄罗斯找Pierce时
      [01:33.70]She went dark. 她消失了
      [01:35.99]...I think she could never quite decide 我估计她永远都下不了决心
      [01:37.91]If she was with him, or with us. 是跟他一伙 还是跟我们
      [01:40.71]She's a good agent 她是个好探员
      [01:42.38]...Except that she invariably1 falls in love with any man 除了她总是爱上那些在一起
      [01:44.75]That she spends longer than a train ride with. 超过一次火车旅程的人
      [01:49.76]Commander Acheson, I'm the interpreter. Acheson长官 我是翻译
      [01:51.68]Yes, go! 好 听吧
      [02:02.65]If you could provide me with some context2... 你要是能跟我说说来龙去脉...
      [02:07.69]...She really doesn't seem ...她看起来真不像
      [02:11.07]...To know where it is ...知道它在哪
      [02:12.86]"We should go" "咱们走吧"
      [02:14.66]We give it five more minutes "再给她五分钟"