
查字典英语网 2008年05月08日

      ( ) 54. Heisthetallest ______ ourschool.

      A. ofB. inC. fromD. to

      ( ) 55. Iambetterat ________ than ________.

      A. singing…danceB. sing…dancingC. sing…danceD. singing…dancing

      ( ) 56. It'sraining _____________.

      A. moreandmoreheavilyB. heavierandheavierC. moreandmoreheavy

      ( ) 57. Takemoreexercise. youwillbe _________ healthier.

      A. veryB. moreC. quiteD. much

      ( ) 58. _____ youagree _______ me?

      A. Do…toB. Are…toC. Do…withD. Are…with

      ( ) 59. thedogisrunning___________ amouse.

      A. quickwithB. quicktoC. quicklyafterD. quickafter

      ( ) 60. Weshouldstudy __________.

      A. hardlyB. goodC. hardD. hardlyever

      ( ) 61. They _______ thetalltreeintheyard.

      A. cutoffB. cutupC. cutdownD. cuton

      ( ) 62. Pleasegive ______ _______ pen.

      A. my…meB. his…hisC. her…herD. his…his

      ( ) 63. ______ doyou ________ sushi(寿司)?

      A. How…doB. What…makeC. How…makeD. What…do

      ( ) 64. Themooncake _______ cheeseisabout $ 25.

      A. ofB. inC. hasD. with

      ( ) 65. Didyou _______ breadyesterday?

      A. hadB. ateC. haveD. drink

      ( ) 66. ______ thereacoffeebarinthetownwhenyouwasachild?

      A. IsB. AreC. WereD. Was
