职场口语 应聘销售人员(1)

英文阅读网 2023年11月28日 08:20






      我是来应聘贵公司所招聘的销售员一职的。I came in answer to your advertisement for a


      ★ salesperson['seilzˌpə:sn]n. 销售员,售货员

      ● in answer to“回答,响应”

      我没有什么销售经验。I have no experience as a salesperson.

      ○ I don't have much experience. 我没有太多经验。

      我在家乡的一个商店里工作过。I worked in a store in my hometown.

      ★ store[stɔ:]n. 商店,店铺

      我主修商业。I majored in commerce.

      ★ commerce['kɔmə:s]n. 商业

      我们需要找到一种新的配货销售方式。We need to find a new way of distribution.

      ★distribution[ˌdistri'bju:ʃən]n. 配货,配给,销售

      我将对这种产品进行全球销售。I'll launch a new worldwide distribution of this product.

      ★launch[lɑ:ntʃ, lɔ:ntʃ]v. 发动,开始,投放市场

      我想以最低价格卖掉这些过季产品。I want to sell these out-of-season products at a bottom


      ● out-of-season “过时的,不合时令的,过季的”

      ● bottom price “最低价格,底价”

      我将应用一种新的市场营销策略。I'll practice a new marketing2 strategy.

      ○ We should take some strategies to improve our selling. 我们需要采用一些策略来提高我们的


      ★marketing['mɑ:kitiŋ]n. 市场营销

      ★strategy['strætiʤi]n. 策略

      我修过的课程有市场营销、营销原理、销售管理等。The courses I completed are marketing,

      marketing principles, sales management and so on.

      ★complete[kəm'pli:t]v. 完成

      销售的最佳办法是建立一个销售网络。The best way of selling is to build up a sales network.

      ● build up “树立,建立”