
英文阅读网 2024年03月14日 06:20


      Horses replace machines in Welsh forest 马匹代替机器清除英国威尔士森林病木

      Fforest Fawr is an old woodland area with broadleaf trees and important archaeological features, but there are diseased larch1 trees that need to be removed. They've been individually felled and then dragged out of the forest by a team of four horses.
      Horse logging was used for thousands of years before machinery2 took over. Now, it's making a comeback because it has much less impact on the environment in areas like Fforest Fawr and can even help to fertilise the land.
      Natural Resources Wales, who manage Fforest Fawr, say that horses will be used at other locations in the future.
      woodland area 林地区域
      archaeological features 具有考古价值的特征
      diseased 患病的,生病的
      felled 被砍伐,被砍倒
      dragged 拖,拉
      horse logging 用马匹运输树木
      took over 接管,取代
      making a comeback 再度流行
      fertilise 施肥