
怎样背单词 2016年02月09日 17:56

      [03:35.84]And you get to pay your bills naked. 还可以光着身子付帐 [03:38.80]They dont stress that enough as a selling point. 这可没当成卖点来强调 [03:39.40]Its Jeremy in San Diego. 是圣地亚哥的杰雷米 [03:43.52]He

      [03:35.84]And you get to pay your bills naked. 还可以光着身子付帐

      [03:38.80]They don’t stress that enough as a selling point. 这可没当成卖点来强调

      [03:39.40]It’s Jeremy in San Diego. 是圣地亚哥的杰雷米

      [03:43.52]He thinks I’m 16. He inverted4 the numbers in my age. 他以为我才16, 他把我的年纪弄倒了

      [03:47.08]- I didn’t have the heart to tell him. - That would’ve been cruel. -我都不敢告诉他 -那太残忍了

      [03:48.16]He comes to me for advice. He thinks I’m very mature. 他是来向我请教,他觉得我很成熟

      [03:52.32]We’re pinned. 都成习惯了

      [03:55.80]- You’re on this, aren’t you? - PerfectMatch. Com. -你上网没有? -上了绝配网

      [03:59.48]Honey, you gotta put more bets on the table. 亲爱的,你得多下些本钱

      [03:59.92]- What, just one site? - Yeah. -就一家网站吗? -对

      [04:04.16]I’m on at least 10. You get to try out different personalities5. 我至少上了10家,你得尝试不同的个性

      [04:06.96]Like here. I say: 比如这,我说:

      [04:10.84]"I’m into opera, antiques6, poetry in the original Greek." "我喜欢歌剧,古玩,古希腊诗歌"

      [04:13.68]And on this one: 而在这家:

      [04:16.48]"I like to skydive, ride motorcycles and enjoy rodeo." "我喜欢跳伞,骑摩托车和牛仔竞技表演"

      [04:22.08]But you don’t do any of those things. 但你一样都没干过

      [04:24.36]It’s an ad. It’s like those cars that say they get 30 miles to the gallon. 这是广告, 就象汽车广告说一加仑油能跑30英里

      [04:26.44]I mean, who knows. 谁会知道呢

      [04:33.92]I’m not comfortable advertising7 myself this way. 我不习惯这样推销自己

      [04:34.56]Honey, when you get to be my age and approaching your expiration8 date... 亲爱的, 当你到了我这年纪,大限将至时...