
怎样背单词 2018年08月23日 14:49

      鲁莽冲动 Subject:Dont get off the deep end. 情景对话: A: I got the bad grades last term. I should go andask my teacher for a reason. 上学期我的分数很低,你得去让老师给我个理由。 B: Dont go off the deep end.


      Subject:Don’t get off the deep end.


      A: I got the bad grades last term. I should go andask my teacher for a reason.


      B: Don’t go off the deep end. You should workharder next term.



      go off the deep end

      1. 解词释义

      Go off the deep end的意思是“不要鲁莽冲动”。其英文解释为: to act irrationally, following one'semotions or fantasies。


      2. 拓展例句

      e.g. Now, John, I know you really want to go to Australia, but don't go off the deep end. Itisn't all perfect there.


      e.g. A friend of mine was about to go off the deep end when he felt he needed to talk to me.


      e.g. Mike warned his roommate not to go off the deep end and get married.


      e.g. Ann is so depressed. I hope she does not go off the deep end.


      Ps 1:have the bad grades是指“考试成绩很差,分数很低”。例如:

      He feels ashamed that he had been getting bad grades.


      Ps 2:ask sb. for a reason的意思是“找到某人讨个说法”。例如:

      Mary had spoken ill of his friend and now she came to her, asking her for a reason.