
怎样背单词 2020年05月08日 17:12

      词类空缺的类型与运用(二) 空缺形容词形式:有些名词没有相应形式的形容词形式,如entertainment、integrity、city和trade。见例句:城市污泥变为有机肥的新技术(标题) 误译:New Technology

      空缺形容词形式:有些名词没有相应形式的形容词形式,如entertainment、integrity、city和trade。见例句:城市污泥变为有机肥的新技术(标题) 误译:New Technology to Turn Wasted Sludge of City into Organic Fertilizer




      误译:New Technology to Turn Wasted Sludge of City into Organic Fertilizer

      名词city没有派生的形容词形式,我们只能用另一个词urban,如:Turn Urban Sludge into...

      由于这一原因,有一些名词可以用来做形容词修饰名词,如a trade war(贸易战)。




      误译:The newly released white paper China’s Peaceful Development detailedly elaborates the develop path chosen by China.

      英语中没有detailedly这个副词,只能用in detail这一短语来取代,即The newly released white paper China’s Peaceful Development elaborates the develop path chosen by China in detail。



      误译:However,if they rush swarm to carry out all“internationalized”cities campaign,it will fatally damage the construction of cities.

      由于rushed没有相应形式的副词,我们可以考虑使用意思非常接近的另一个词hurried。该词有副词形式hurriedly。所以可以译为if they hurriedly swarm。



      误译:Just for the spirit of being responsible for Chinese people and the whole world,we designedly and organizedly adjust the economic and political structure of our country.(正确译法:in a designed and organized way)


      误译:During the years,there were more than 700 postgraduates in total who discontinued their studies initiatively.(正确译法:who discontinued their studies of their own accord)