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It is clear to you, I hope, that Stephen was not a hypocrite,—capable of deliberate doubleness for a selfish end; and yet his fluctuations between the indulgence of a feeling and the systematic concealment of it might have made a good case in support of Philip's accusation.


" Maggie's hair, as she threw off her bonnet, painfully confirmed her mother's accusation.


He had neglected the Farebrothers before his departure, from a proud resistance to the possible accusation of indirectly seeking interviews with Dorothea; but hunger tames us, and Will had become very hungry for the vision of a certain form and the sound of a certain voice.


Even if he renounced every other consideration than that of justifying himself—if he met shrugs, cold glances, and avoidance as an accusation, and made a public statement of all the facts as he knew them, who would be convinced?


Will was in a defiant mood, his consciousness being deeply stung with the thought that the people who looked at him probably knew a fact tantamount to an accusation against him as a fellow with low designs which were to be frustrated by a disposal of property.


Lydgate: he never had a hard word for his mother,"—as if poor Fred's suffering were an accusation against him.


Now Fred piqued himself on keeping clear of lies, and even fibs; he often shrugged his shoulders and made a significant grimace at what he called Rosamond's fibs (it is only brothers who can associate such ideas with a lovely girl); and rather than incur the accusation of falsehood he would even incur some trouble and self-restraint.


Gao framed Lin with a false accusation, then had him flogged and banished him to Cangzhou.


Pointing your fingers looks like an accusation, and pounding your fist makes you seem angry, even if you're just using those gestures for emphasis.

为什么NBA排名对甜瓜 科比 德罗赞有偏见?

One primary accusation against the NBArank panel every year is that it lacks "respect.


This accusation is unfounded, because of the following factors: the use of industrial policies to upgrade the technology of Chinese enterprises is China's development right and is in line with WTO regulations.


I want to know if you can disappoint another to be true to yourself, and if you can bear the accusation of betrayal and not betray your own soul.


Tencent's accusation has stirred up online debate, with some netizens supporting the company's appeal and others calling it a joke.


"No rules have been changed — not one," she retorted to the accusation that she is ripping up international tax treaties and diverting US tax revenues to Europe.


The dismissal of one crucial member of Trump's core team came at a time when Trump was ripped by both Democrats and leaders within his own party after he made a series of controversial remarks, including his accusation that a Hispanic-American judge involving Trump University was biased.


I have a different accusation to level at email — it has made us all passive aggressive.


" Italy's Prime Minister Matteo Renzi defended him and said the accusation was ridiculous, "with Felicori at the helm, visitor numbers in February 2016 were up 70% from a year earlier, while takings were up 105%," he added.


Your accusation is baseless.


" The accusation on Monday deals only with the nearly 600,000 vehicles sold in the United States.


Here are some comments: : In a civil lawsuit, a plaintiff who files a lawsuit against someone for being the cause of an accident needs to provide evidence to back up their accusation.

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