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    We will stay firmly rooted in Chinese culture. We will collect and refine the defining symbols and best elements of Chinese culture and showcase them to the world. We will accelerate the development of China’s discourse and narrative systems, better tell China’s stories, make China’s voice heard, and present a China that is credible, appealing, and respectable.


    以海报、动图等形式讲述大国领袖治国理政的伟大理念和思想以及对人民的殷切关怀。Displaying Xi’s great ideas and thoughts on governance as the leader of a major country, as well as his sincere care for the wellbeing of the people, through posters, motion graphics, etc.
    学习卡片 | 壹引其纲,万目皆张As long as the fundamental principles are upheld, all work will fall in place.
    学习卡片 | 畏则不敢肆而德以成,无畏则从其所欲而及于祸With awe in mind, one will be prudent in word and deed, and therefore cultivate virtue; without awe in mind, one will act rashly, and therefore bring disaster to oneself.
    学习卡片 | 不诱于誉,不恐于诽One should not be seduced by praise, nor should one fear opprobrium.
    学习卡片 | 己所不欲,勿施于人not doing to others what we would not have done to ourselves
    打造“习式”词典,以向国际社会阐释当代中国发展理念。Presenting contemporary China’s development ideas to the world
    学习词典 | 经济社会是一个动态循环系统,不能长时间停摆The economy and society, being dynamic in nature, cannot stop functioning for long
    学习词典 | 我们党依靠斗争创造历史,更要依靠斗争赢得未来Our Party has fought to create history, and will continue to fight to win the future
    学习词典 | 只要我们与时俱进加强国防和军队建设,向着党在新时代的强军目标阔步前行,就一定能够为实现中华民族伟大复兴提供更为坚强的战略支撑!So long as we step up efforts to develop national defense and the armed forces in keeping pace with the times and march towards the Party's goal of building a strong military, we will ensure greater strategic support for national rejuvenation
    学习词典 | 只要我们始终坚持人民立场、人民至上,就一定能够激发出无往而不胜的强大力量,就一定能够不断书写中华民族伟大复兴的精彩华章!So long as we stand firmly on the side of the people and uphold their principal position, we will spark their mighty and indomitable force and produce new and splendid chapters in the history of China's national rejuvenation
    讲述习近平承诺于人民、承诺于世界的故事。Narrating the stories of Xi’s commitments to the people and the world
    习文乐见 | 共同佑护各国人民生命和健康Work Together to Protect the Lives and Health of All
    习文乐见 |维护地球家园,促进人类可持续发展Protect the Earth for Sustainable Development
    习文乐见 | 共同维护世界和平安宁Maintain World Peace and Stability
    习文乐见 | 深化文明交流互鉴Deepen cultural exchanges and mutual learning
    原音重现解析习近平总书记系列重要思想内涵、理论精髓。Interpreting the essential connotations of Xi’s important thoughts and theories with his own words
    习声习语|团结就是力量,奋斗开创未来Xi's Voices | Unity for Strength and Hard Work for a Bright Future
    习声习语|开展党史学习教育要突出重点Xi's Voices | Focus of the Education Campaign on CPC History
    习声习语|共创后疫情时代美好世界Xi's Voices | Create a Better Post-Covid World
    习声习语|在中华人民共和国恢复联合国合法席位五十周年纪念会议上的讲话Xi's Voices | Speech at the Conference Marking the 50th Anniversary of the Restoration of the Lawful Seat of the People’s Republic of China in the United Nations