海哲分蹄:Smoked Jelly Fish
海蜇双脆:crispy jellyfish
海鲜鱼类:Seafood (Fish)
海鲜小火锅:Seafood Chaffy Dish
海鲜刺身:Seafood and Radish
海鲜炒/煎面:Seafood Chow Mein
海鲜煲:Seafood in Clay Pot
海堂百花菇:stuffed mushrooms with shrimp paste
海米炒蕨菜:Fried Brake with Shrimp Meat
海米白菜汤:cabbage soup with dried shrimps
海米白菜:Chinese cabbage with dried shrimps
海鳗汤:Moray Soup
海鳗鸡骨汤(日本):Conger Eel and Chicken Soup
海带烧排骨:Braised Chop with Kelp
海带冷菜汤:Kelp Soup with Cold Appetizers
海带芥末沙司:Kelp and Mustard Salad
海参锅巴:sea cucumber with crispy rice
海参鹌鹑蛋:Braised Sea Cucumber and Quail Eggs
锅贴鸭片:pan-baked steamed duck
锅贴鸭:fried duck cutlets
锅贴明虾:fried fresh prawns on toast
锅塌明虾:Prawns Baked in A Pan
锅塌里脊:Pan-Baked Pork Fillet
锅塌番茄:Fried Tomato Slices
锅烧羊肉:braised mutton
锅烧全鸡:Braised Whole Chicken
锅巴虾仁:shrimp with crisp rice
锅巴三鲜:soup of rice crust and three delicacies
锅巴肉片:sliced meat with crispy rice;meat pieces with crispy rice
锅巴海参:sea cucumbers in crisp rice
鳜鱼丝油菜:Mandarin and Rape
桂花兔肉:Braised Rabbit Meat
桂花狗肉:Braised Dog Meat
贵妃鸡:Princess Chicken
贵妃斑鱼卷:stir-fried fish rolls with corn
鲑鱼生鱼片沙拉:Salmon Salad
鲑鱼奶油冻:Salmon and Butter Jelly
广州烩饭:steamed rice Guangdong style
广州炒饭:fried rice in Guangdong style
广东泡菜:Guangdong Cantonese pickled vegetable
广东叉烧肉:Guangdong Cantonese roast pork
罐子狗肉:Dog Meat in Kettle
罐头碎牛肉:canned corned beef
罐焖羊肉:mutton en casserole
罐焖鸭子:braised duck en casserole
罐搁鸭:Braised Duck in Pot
怪味牛百叶:ox tripe of Sichuan style
挂绿虾丸:prawn balls with vegetable
骨香石斑球:Fried Rock Cod Bone
咕噜虾:Sweet & Sour Prawn