


      2)  ICTY



      After the Cold War,the most far-reaching and outstanding development of international law appears in the field of international criminal law,among which the founding of the ICC and ICTY exerts different influence upon the international with their respective implications.


      3)  International Criminal Tribunal



      Having been established by the Security Council acting under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations, the International Criminal Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia since 1991.

      前南斯拉夫国际刑事法庭是联合国安理会针对前南斯拉夫武装冲突中严重违反国际人道主义法的行为而设立的国际特设法庭 ,该法庭不仅传承了纽伦堡和远东军事法庭的原则及审判精髓 ,而且在很大程度上延展了国际刑事审判的原则与理论 ,并未以后的国际刑事审判以及常设国际刑事审判机构的建构提供了可行性的先导模

      4)  ICTR



      On the Jurisdictions of ICTR;



      The ICTR s Contribution to the Development of International Criminal Law;


      5)  ICTY


      6)  the jurisdiction of the International ad hoc tribunal



