备战中考系列之完形填空(附解析) 第86期

可可听力网 2014年04月17日 15:45:00
      Manyyearsago, aman (1)____WutaughtKingWanghowtoridehorsesandhowtodriveachariot (马拉战车). (2)_____ sometimethekingstartedtoraceagainstWu. Butnomatterhowmany (3)______ thekingracedagainstWu, Wualwayswon.
      Thekingwas (4)_______ andsaidtoWu, “Youhavetaughtmehowtorideandhowtodriveachariot. ButIdon'tthinkyouhavetaughtmeeverythingabout (5)______.”
      “Ihavetaughtyou (6)______ Iknow,” (7)______ Wu. “Butyouhavenotlearnedeverything. The (8)______ thingaboutdrivingachariotistothinkofthehorses. Thedriverofthechariotandthehorseshouldworktogether. Youcanthengovery (9)______ anddriveforlongdistance, butyourproblemisthis: Whenyouarebehindme, youwantto (10)_____ withme. Andwhenyouare (11)_____ me, youareafraidthatIwillcatchupwithyou. (12)_____ whetheryouareinfrontofmeorbehindme, youarethinkingofme. Youarenotthinkingofyour (13)______. Ifyouwanttowin, youmust (14)______ thinkingofme, you (15)______ thinkonlyofyourhorse.”
      ( )1. A. callsB. namesC. calledD. name
      ( )2. A. InB. AfterC. SinceD. Before
      ( )3. A. timesB. daysC. weeksD. months
      ( )4. A. happyB. gladC. pleasedD. unhappy
      ( )5. A. playingB. racingC. runningD. working
      ( )6. A. everythingB. somethingC. anythingD. nothing
      ( )7. A. askedB. toldC. answeredD. spoke
      ( )8. A. dangerousB. newerC. beautifulD. mostimportant
      ( )9. A. slowlyB. soonC. fastD. slow
      ( )10.A. catchupB. doC. talkD. help
      ( )11.A. besideB. infrontofC. nearD. nextto
      ( )12.A. SoB. ButC. OrD. And
      ( )13.A. cowsB. dogsC. pigsD. horses
      ( )14.A. startB. stopC. keepD. begin
      ( )15.A. mustn'tB. mayC. mustD. can