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    whitebelly damselfish白腹豆娘鱼


    Growth and reproduction of female eastern and whitebelly spinner dolphins incidentally killed in the eastern tropical Pacific tuna p...Population structure and reproductive period of whitebelly prawn Nematopalaemon schmitti (Holthuis 1950) (Decapoda: Caridea: Palaemo...Age estimates for female eastern and whitebelly spinner dolphins (Stenella longirostris) incidentally killed in the eastern tropical...Estimates of abundance of western/southern spotted whitebelly spinner, striped and common dolphins, and pilot, sperm and Bryde's wha...Growth and reproduction of female eastern and whitebelly spinner dolph...STUDIES ON WHITE BELLY GRAIN OF JAPONICA RICEStudies on white-belly rice kernel. 7. The most vulnerable stages of kernel development for the occurrence of white belly.Effect of the W mutation, for white belly spot, on testicular germ cell differentiation in mice.Anatomical aspects and biometry of the male genital system of the white-belly opossum Lund, 1841 during the annual reproductive cycleStudies on White Belly Rice Kernel : III. Effect of ripening conditions on occurrence of white belly kernel