

      Standard America English

      unit 1 saying greetings and goodbye问候与道别

      1. Good moring,Mr. Carder!早上好,卡特先生!

      2. How are you?你好吗

      3. I'm fine,thanks.How about yourself?我很好,谢谢。你呢?

      4. Things couldn't be better.一切都很好。

      5. Hi!How is it going?喂,你好吗?(How is everying?How are you doing?)

      6. How've you been?你最近好吗?I haven't seen you for ages.我好久没见到你了

      7. It's been a long time.是很长时间了。

      8. What's up?有什么新鲜事吗?(What's new with you?)

      9. Nothing special.老样了。(还可以)

      10.I hate to say goodbye,but it's getting late.我不想说再见,但天已晚了。

      11.Can't you stay for a little bit longer.你不能再呆一会吗?

      12.I've got to go now.我现在得走了。(I've got to run.I've got to roll.)

      13.See you on Moday.星期一见

      14.Have a nice weekend.Have fun.周末愉快。玩得开心

      15.So long,keep in touch.再见,保持联络

      16.Say "hello" to your parents.请代我向你的父母问好.

      17.Tell them I miss them.请转告他们,我很想念他们。

      18.It was nice talking to you.与你聊天很愉快。

      19.I enjoy talking to you ,too.我也很喜欢和你聊天。

      20.Oh,here is my bus.Gotta go,take care.喔,我的公交车来了,我得走了,保重。(Gotta to=I've got to go=I have to go.)

      conversation 1 bumping into each other 无意中相遇

      1.---Good moring,Sue.

      ---Good moring,Tom.How are you?

      ---I'm fine, thanks,how about yourself?

      ---Things couldn't be better.Where are you going now?

      ---I am heading for the library. I've got a research project to do.How about you?(head for向特定的方向出发=I'm going to the library.)

      ---I'm going to the English class.It'll start in five minutes ,I've got to run.

      ---See you later,alligator.

      ---After a while,crocodile.









      conversation 2 leaving a friend's house离开朋友家

      --I hate to say goodbye,but it's late.

      --Can't you stay for a little bit longer,it's only 8.

      --I wish I could.But I'm afraid I can't.I've got some serious studying to do.I have to go.

      --OK.See you on Moday.

      --See you on Moday.Have a great weekend.

      --You too.Thanks for dropping in.(drop in=drop by)







      conversation 3 two friends waiting for buses两个朋友在等候公交车

      --Good evening,John.

      --Good evening,Mary.

      --How are you doing?

      --I'm doing fine,thanks.What's new with you?

      --Nothing special.

      --I'm wondering whether you could come over for a pizza sometime next week?

      --Sounds good.Sorry,here comes my bus.You call me,or I'll call you to make a date.

      --I'll call you.

      --All right.Gotta go,bye,keep in touch.

      --OK.Have a great day,take care,bye.











      Conversation 4 Old Friends

      Mary: Hi,John! I haven’t seen you for ages.

      John: Hi! Yes, it’s been a long time. I’m really glad to see you.

      Mary: I’m glad to see you, too. How’ve you been?

      John: Just fine. How is everything with you?

      Mary: Not bad. I finally bought a house. It’s an old one, but built really solid. It is close to here. Do you want to come over for lunch?

      John: I’d like that, but I’m flying home this afternoon, and I told my parents I’d meet them at the airport for lunch.

      Mary: OK, next time you’re here.

      John: That’s a deal.

      Mary: I heard that you moved to Florida.

      John: Yes, I’m in Titusville. The space shuttle is launched from near there. I’ve seen a lot of space shuttle launches.

      Mary: Tell me more.

      John: The shuttle launches are beautiful. I saw one that took off at midnight. The whole sky got bright.

      Mary: Sounds great!

      John: I’m pretty happy living there.

      Mary: I want to see Disney World, Sea World, Universal Studios, and Weeki-Watchee Springs.

      John: I’ve been to all of them.

      Mary: I’m jealous. I’ve never been to Florida.

      John: The Sunshine State certainly is worth visiting. Come down for a vacation sometime. I’ll take you to Disney World.

      Mary: That sounds great! I’ll take you up on that invitation.

      John: I hope you do. And keep in touch, OK?

      Mary: I sure will.

      John: Here’s my business card. Send me an email once in a while.

      Mary: Count on it. And here’s my card. Don’t hesitate to call me anytime.

      John: Thank you. I’d better get going. I don’t want to be late for lunch. Mom would worry.

      Mary: Well, I’m really glad we bumped into each other. Have a good trip.

      John: Take good care of yourself, Mary.

      Mary: I will. Good-bye.

      John: Bye-bye!




























