


      英 [bleɪz]

      美 [blez]



      副词: blazingly 过去式: blazed 过去分词: blazed 现在分词: blazing 第三人称单数: blazes


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  •       火焰,烈火
  •       光辉,闪光,光明,强烈的光
  •       爆发,迸发,激发
  •       白斑,脸上的白斑
  •       记号,刻痕
  •       猛烈的扫射
  •       地狱
  •       火灾
  •       鲜明的色彩
  •       灿烂,辉煌
  •       炫耀,炫示,展现
  •       【扑克牌】一手五张人头大牌(不成特殊花色或套牌,但可赢两对)


  •       冒火焰,发火焰,熊熊燃烧,猛烈地燃烧
  •       闪耀,发强光,发亮光,闪闪生辉,放光彩
  •       (眼睛)怒视
  •       大肆宣扬,传播,宣布
  •       (枪)连续射击
  •       使燃烧,使发火焰
  •       炫示,炫耀
  •       在(树皮)上刻记号
  •       迸发,爆发,突然动怒
  •       闪耀出,放出…的光彩
  •       开拓,开辟(道路等)
  •       引起对…的注意
  •       显示出
  •       领导,领先,作开路先锋
  •       吹奏


  •       [S]火焰,烈火 bright flame or fire
  •       [S]光辉,闪光 a bright show
  •       [S]迸发,爆发 sudden outburst


  •       vt. & vi. 熊熊燃烧,着火 burn with flame
  •       vi. 发强光,放光彩 shine brightly
  •       vi. 发怒 burst out with strong feeling


      1. noisy and unrestrained mischief

      e.g. raising blazes

      Synonym: hell

      2. a light-colored marking

      e.g. they chipped off bark to mark the trail with blazes
      the horse had a blaze between its eyes

      3. a light within the field of vision that is brighter than the brightness to which the eyes are adapted

      e.g. a glare of sunlight

      Synonym: glarebrilliance

      4. a cause of difficulty and suffering

      e.g. war is hell
      go to blazes

      Synonym: hell

      5. a strong flame that burns brightly

      e.g. the blaze spread rapidly

      Synonym: blazing


      1. indicate by marking trees with blazes

      e.g. blaze a trail

      2. shoot rapidly and repeatedly

      e.g. He blazed away at the men

      Synonym: blaze away

      3. move rapidly and as if blazing

      e.g. The spaceship blazed out into space

      Synonym: blaze out

      4. burn brightly and intensely

      e.g. The summer sun alone can cause a pine to blaze

      5. shine brightly and intensively

      e.g. Meteors blazed across the atmosphere

      1. 熊熊燃烧
      When a fire blazes, it burns strongly and brightly.


      e.g. Three people died as wreckage blazed, and rescuers fought to release trapped drivers...
      e.g. The log fire was blazing merrily.

      2. 大火;烈火
      A blaze is a large fire which is difficult to control and which destroys a lot of things.

      e.g. Two firemen were hurt in a blaze which swept through a tower block last night.

      3. 照耀;发出(强光);绽放(光彩)
      If something blazes with light or colour, it is extremely bright.

      e.g. The gardens blazed with colour.

      4. (眼睛)闪耀,闪烁,充满(感情);(情感在眼中)燃烧
      If someone's eyes are blazing with an emotion, or if an emotion is blazing in their eyes, their eyes look very bright because they are feeling that emotion so strongly.

      e.g. He got to his feet and his dark eyes were blazing with anger...
      e.g. Eva stood up and indignation blazed in her eyes...

      5. 大量(宣传或关注)
      A blaze of publicity or attention is a great amount of it.

      e.g. He was arrested in a blaze of publicity.
      e.g. ...the sporting career that began in a blaze of glory.

      6. (枪炮)连续射击(或开火)
      If guns blaze, or blaze away, they fire continuously, making a lot of noise.

      e.g. Guns were blazing, flares going up and the sky was lit up all around...
      e.g. She took the gun and blazed away with calm and deadly accuracy.

      7. with all guns blazing -> see gun

      8. 开辟道路;作开路先锋
      If someone blazes a trail, they discover or develop something new.

      e.g. These surgeons have blazed the trail in the treatment of bomb victims.


      1. 炽烈之径:rno),炽烈之径(blaze)各加一点,为18级升火墙(firewall)作好准备.碎冰甲(shiverarmor)加一点.剩余的点数加充能弹(chargedbolt)闪电(lightning)新星(nova)各一点作为过路点.18-23级:传送(teleport)一点.冰尖柱(glacialspike)连锁闪电(chainlightning)各加一点作为过路点.剩下的都加火墙(firewall).当然,

      2. 烈焰之径:此系列的法术赋予法师施展火焰魔法的能力,包括了非常有效的火墙(Fire Wall)以及烈焰之径(Blaze). 此外,她还拥有陨石(Meteor)法术,几乎可以立即歼灭整群敌人. 在这些强大的火焰法术之中,暖气(Warmth)是最重要的法术.

  •       常用短语

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    宣扬,传播 spread
    blaze sth ⇔ abroad

          They blazed the news abroad.


          She blazed her discovery abroad everywhere.


          He always blazed his idea abroad.


          His fame was blazed abroad by the country's newspapers and television.


          His success was blazed abroad in his home-town.



  •       Dry wood makes a good blaze.
  •       In a blaze of anger he shouted at them.
  •       The whole front of the building was a blaze of light.


  •       The fire in the forest has blazed for days.
  •       The fire was blazing in the fireplace.
  •       That young man's face blazed friendly, but he is very dangerous.
  •       On New Year's Eve the big house blazed with lights.
  •       Lights were blazing in every room.

      用作名词 (n.)


      用作动词 (v.)

  •       How the blazes you can stand the head-work you do, is a mystery to me.

  •       What the blue blazes is all this?

    出自:Day Lewis
  •       Masses of mesembryanthemums blazed with an intense magenta glare.

    出自:Aldous Huxley
  •       The sun blazed on them.

    出自:G. Orwell
  •       The white woman's eyes blazed.

    出自:J. Updike
  •       词语用法

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  •       词源解说


  •       blaze 用作名词的基本意思是“火焰,烈火”,指突然、猛烈迸发出明亮强光的火,可用来比喻“(灯光、颜色等的)光辉,闪耀”,也可用来比喻“(强烈感情的)骤然迸发”。
  •       blaze 只用于单数形式,作“光辉,闪光”及“迸发,爆发”解时常与of连用。


  •       blaze的基本含义是“熊熊燃烧,同时发射出光和热”,引申可指“怒火中烧”,在句中可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词,但多用作不及物动词。


blaze, flame, light
  •       这组词都有“火”“火光”的意思。
  •       1.blaze指大火; flame既可表示孤立的小火,也可表示“火舌,火苗,火焰”; light为一般用语,泛指日、月、星、火、灯的光。
  •       2.blaze可给人带来温暖,但如控制不住可造成火灾; flame和light强调光明、光线, flame也可造成火灾。
  •       3.blaze多用单数形式; flame表示“火舌,火苗,火焰”时常用复数形式; light为不可数名词。
    •       ☆ 直接源自中古英语的blase,意为火炬,火焰。
    •       近义词

    •       临近词




          The gardens are a blaze of colour.(花园里姹紫嫣红。)

          The blaze lit up the sky.(火光烛天。)

          I wanted the front garden to be a blaze of colour.(我想把前花园装点得五彩缤纷。)

          Helicopters helped fire crews get a jump on the blaze.(直升机帮助救火人员控制住了火势。)

          Now that a great financial blaze has taken hold, the eurozone is facing its 1666 moment. Unless tamed, the conflagration might not spare anybody.(如今一场金融大火席卷而来,欧元区面临着如同1666年那样的时刻。除非将其扑灭,否则大火之下,无人能够幸免。)

          I will, if it's where we can blaze our way to it and not get lost.(只要我们能标记好一条通往那里的路,而且不迷路,我会的。)

          The campfire smouldered for hours after the blaze died out.(营火在火焰熄灭后闷烧了几个小时。)

          This clump of paper birch trunks was backlit by a blaze of reds and yellows.(这一丛纸桦树树干的背光是一片红黄相间的火焰。)

          He said anyone responsible for the blaze would be punished.(他说任何对此次大火负有责任的人都应受到惩治。)

          Clouds of toxic fumes escaped in a huge chemical factory blaze.(从化工厂熊熊烈火中泄漏出团团有毒气体。)

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