


      英 [səbˈmɪsɪv]

      美 [səbˈmɪsɪv]


      副词: submissively 名词: submissiveness


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  •       柔顺的
  •       顺从的,服从的,听话的,唯命是从的
  •       谦恭的
  •       驯服的,温驯的

      1. 顺从的;恭顺的;听话的
      If you are submissive, you obey someone without arguing.

      e.g. Most doctors want their patients to be submissive.

      The troops submissively laid down their weapons.

      1. 順從性:在报告中,按照主导性(dominant)-顺从性(submissive)、亲和性(agreeable)-争吵性(quarrelsome)几个行为倾向,对人一周的行为规律进行的研究. 从研究报告上看,人的顺从性在星期四最高,而星期二则是主导性最高的时候. 将这四方面属性的起伏组合起来看,我们会得出一些十分有趣的结论:

      2. 服从的:submission 提出 | submissive 服从的 | submissively 顺从地

      3. 顺从的:submission /服从/投降/顺从/柔和/提交仲裁/归顺/ | submissive /顺从的/ | submissively /顺从地/恭谨的/


      4. 温顺的:attack and retreat 攻击和退却 | submissive 温顺的 | canine 犬齿

  •       经典引文

  •       The long print skirts the women wore, their..unmade-up faces, all suggesting a..submissive role.

    出自:M. French
  •       Janet became..submissive and suffered Stephanie to put her to bed.

    出自:M. Hocking
  •       近义词

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  •       临近词





      Some, who when among themselves were most violent, now appeared as submissive as children .(有的在他们自己人中间本来穷凶极恶,此刻却显得孩子般的恭顺。)

      Often it shifts to a submissive posture too.(通常它也会转变成一种顺从的姿态。)

      Thee study by the University of Granada in Spain also found that women assumed a more narrow and submissive posture when a man smiled at them.(西班牙格兰纳达大学的这项研究还发现,当男性对女性微笑,她们就会变得更加狭隘和顺从。。)

      He is a humble and submissive servant.(他是个恭顺的仆人。)

      Matthew Goody said: "I played this role some submissive, but also some nervousness."(马修·古迪说:“我打这个角色的顺从,但也有一些紧张。”)

      He flung himself down in the flat submissive posture of a mere supplicant.(他猛地趴在地上,做出一个卑微的哀求者那谦卑的姿态。)

      It was in his letter home announcing his engagement that Hung-chien had praised his wife for being submissive.(鸿渐赞美他夫人柔顺,是在报告订婚的家信里。)

      He expected his daughters to be meek and submissive.(他期望女儿都温顺听话。)

      She followed him like a submissive child.(她对他百依百顺,像个听话的孩子。)

      This leads to building a brand of underconfident, submissive, low-impact non-leaders and hampers their growth and career advancement.(这会导致建立一个缺乏自信、顺从、影响力低的非领导者的品牌,阻碍他们的成长和职业发展。)

      submissive是什么意思 submissive在线翻译 submissive什么意思 submissive的意思 submissive的翻译 submissive的解释 submissive的发音 submissive的同义词
