


      英 [pɪt]

      美 [pɪt]




      过去式: pitted 过去分词: pitted 现在分词: pitting 第三人称单数: pits


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  •       陷阱,圈套
  •       凹处,凹地
  •       地狱
  •       麻子
  •       【矿】矿井,煤坑,煤矿
  •       地窖,窑
  •       深渊
  •       深坑,坑,洼坑
  •       果核
  •       【植】纹孔
  •       地下温室


  •       使竞争,使较量
  •       除去...的核
  •       (使)成凹,弄凹,使有凹陷
  •       (使)成麻子,变麻脸,使有麻子
  •       挖坑(于)
  •       打矿井
  •       把放在地窖里,储藏于地窖中,窖藏
  •       使留下疤痕
  •       放入坑中
  •       坑陷,使掉入陷阱
  •       抵抗
  •       使相斗,使对立
  •       留下凹痕
  •       停车加油
  •       使…表面有斑点
  •       在…上打洞
  •       使经受考验


  •       [C]坑 a hole in the ground
  •       [C]煤矿,矿坑 a coal mine


  •       vt. 使有麻子; 使有凹陷 mark with pits

      1. 煤矿;矿井
      A pit is a coal mine.


      e.g. It was a better community then when all the pits were working.

      2. (地面的)坑,洼;(地下的)穴,洞
      A pit is a large hole that is dug in the ground.

      e.g. Eric lost his footing and began to slide into the pit.

      3. (挖出沙砾或黏土后留下的)坑,窑
      A gravel pit or clay pit is a very large hole that is left where gravel or clay has been dug from the ground.

      e.g. This area of former farmland was worked as a gravel pit until 1964.

      4. 使相斗;使对立;使竞争
      If two opposing things or people are pitted against one another, they are in conflict.

      e.g. You will be pitted against people who are every bit as good as you are...
      e.g. This was one man pitted against the universe.

      5. (赛车道旁的)检修加油站
      In motor racing, the pits are the areas at the side of the track where drivers stop to get more fuel and to repair their cars during races.

      e.g. He moved quickly into the pits and climbed rapidly out of the car.

      6. 极糟糕的情况
      If you describe something as the pits, you mean that it is extremely bad.

      e.g. Mary Ann asked him how dinner had been. 'The pits,' he replied.

      7. (水果或蔬菜的)核
      A pit is the stone of a fruit or vegetable.

      8. see also: pitted;fleapit;orchestra pit;sandpit

      9. 与…斗智
      If you pit your wits against someone, you compete with them in a test of knowledge or intelligence.

      e.g. I'd like to pit my wits against the best.

      10. 胸口;心窝
      If you have a feeling in the pit of your stomach, you have a tight or sick feeling in your stomach, usually because you are afraid or anxious.


      e.g. I had a funny feeling in the pit of my stomach.

      11. a bottomless pit -> see bottomless

      1. 凹坑:磁盘阵列技术的产生...CD-R采用一次写入技术,刻入数据时,利用高功率的激光束反射到CD-R盘片,使相应部位的染料层发生化学变化,形成一个凹坑(pit激光没有打到的地方仍然是平面(land).

      2. pit的反义词

      2. 凹痕:记录时从半导体雷射出的光束经过准直镜片(collimator lens)转换成平行光,接著利用对物镜片收敛光束,并照射至光碟片上的有机色素膜层(DVD±R)或是相变化膜层(DVD±RW、DVD-RAM),使被照射部位局部加热产生光束性反射率凹痕(pit),藉此方式变化记录资料,

      3. 凹洞:大部分人造湿地包括水库、水田、湖泊、凹洞(pit)以及因采矿所挖掘的坑洞;或是因道路、灌溉系统、河/海堤及其他建筑工程,造成排水不良的区域,也有可能会演变为湿地.

      4. pit:phase transition temperatures; 相转变温度

      5. pit:periodic interrupt timer; 周期中断计时器

      6. pit:product integrity test; 产品整合测试

      7. pit:programmable internal timer; 可编程内部计时器

  •       常用短语

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文


    极坏,最糟糕be very bad or the worst example of sth


    使与…相斗cause to struggle against
    pit sb against sb

          He pitted John against Paul.


          They pitted two cocks against each other.



  •       They dug a pit to bury the rubbish.
  •       He worked all his life down the pit.


  •       Earthquake pitted the surface of the earth.
  • 1
  •       His forehead was pitted by chicken pox.

      用作名词 (n.)

  •       A land of deserts and of pittes.

    出自:Bible (AV): Jeremiah
  •       We looked down into two massive pits, ten or fifteen feet deep.

    出自:J. Reed
  •       Jean was in a deep pit of depression.

  •       Bryan ate a cherry, putting the large pit neatly into an empty dish.

    出自:J. May
  •       They..were pitted like beasts, tumbled into the graue.

    出自:T. Granger
  •       He dug and pitted the potatoes.

    出自:S. G. Osborne
  •       词源解说

  •       ☆ 直接源自古英语的pytt,意为水井。
  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      Supporters ate piles of beef brisket and toasted marshmallows at the fire pit.(支持者们在火坑边吃着成堆的牛胸肉和烤棉花糖。)

      The body had been dumped in a pit.(尸体被扔进了深坑。)

      The tan-coloured dog looks suspiciously like a pit bull terrier.(这条棕褐色的狗看起来很像比特犬。)

      I'd like to manage at the very highest level and pit my wits against the best.(我希望在最高水平上管理,与最优秀的人斗智。)

      She drew him away from the pit.(她把他带离了深坑。)

      A gold mine is not a bottomless pit, the gold runs out.(一个金矿不是无限的,黄金采光了。)

      He who digs a pit for others falls in himself.(想坑别人的人,会跌进自己掘的陷阱里。)

      The road was clearly built to provide services for the newly discovered stone pit.(这条路显然是为了给新发现的石坑提供服务而修建的。)

      Her heart went pit-a-pat.(她心里扑扑直跳。)

      We dug a deep pit in the yard.(我们在院子中挖了个深洞。)

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      pit是什么意思 pit在线翻译 pit什么意思 pit的意思 pit的翻译 pit的解释 pit的发音 pit的同义词
