



      people can't take money to the grave, but money can take people to the grave.


      abandoned by the world, i still have myself, i love myself.


      i'm sad that you finally learn not to remember my good.


      get and lose, always more hurt than never get.


      never thought, you a sorry, let me even cry.


      i want to know if i lose my memory, i will remember you.


      i'm just her double. i'll continue your relationship for her.


      love is just like a cigarette ring, the smoke has gone back to the past.


      love is firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and tea. i'll see you at the door of the civil affairs bureau at 9:30 tomorrow morning.


      we are together, memories mottled time, standing under the shadow of you.


      we are not together, but you are in my heart the nearest distance.


      the ship can be moored temporarily, but the sail can't stop to choose the direction.


      mu er is like a star, willing to guard the heart of a person, from the light suddenly broken, to the evening snow white head.


      with a flower of time, tell me my missing for you.


      those who are in the past and in the future.


      you know? love you i am not afraid of losing, just afraid you are not happy!


      the gorgeous lines in your palms, tangled into whose city, laughing and laughing.


      hide your favorite person in your heart to see if it will blossom and bear fruit in the coming year.


      those who have not been lovelorn do not understand love, and those who have not been frustrated do not understand life.


      love, commitment between fingers, fingers, lingering in love.


      draw your face on the eggs in the refrigerator so i can see you at any time.


      those who love to laugh do not show sorrow; those who love to cry pretend to be strong.


      the cup of tea brewing love, from mellow to bitter.


      it's not that i don't love you anymore. it's just too deep. it's time to let go.


      and i hear the sound of rain, think of you say love with lips.


      i like you the most in all the scenery where things are different.


      sharing love doesn't mean losing love, because love is endless!


      sometimes, there will be a kind of inexplicable helplessness, to do not know why.


      i don't like children. do you think it's ok to raise you as a child.


      i forget your appearance, but clearly remember your taste.


      i forget love for love, i suffer for love, regardless of love or torture.


      true love is above power, that is the power to save the world.


      i hate the nonsense, i'm sorry and i love you.


      we don't have to be ashamed of a moment's loss, or be frustrated by a failure.


      love the right person for the rest of his life, love the wrong person, youth feed dog.


      you don't have to be far fetched to say love me, anyway, my soul has fallen piece by piece.


      it's much easier to admit your infidelity than to admit that you are no longer loved.


      shallow pen on the street, quiet understanding of fleeting years, pleasant years, as the first time.


      no happiness, smile is still there. there is no fairy tale, childhood is still there.


      a premonition, love will be offshore, all memories are slowly broken into pieces.


      although you give me little, but i feel very warm.


      i like you very much, just like nezha's big move, only running to you.


      your heart is where i want to come back to the end of the world.


      obviously will be aggrieved, but just because can not put down and compromise mood.


      sometimes i admit that staying by your side is actually a kind of degradation.


      since we choose to be together, why fail to live up to the original promise.


      women always say that i'm waiting for you. in fact, it's who i'm waiting for.


      for a moment, i still want to believe that you like me.


      if i love you, i will love you the way you like.


      the sunshine is warm and the years are quiet. you are still in the future. how dare i grow old!


      when the tears are meaningless, no matter how much shouting.


      if you don't come back, i can't escape. i love you so much.


      we always meet the best love when we don't understand love.


      some people, is the life exhausts the mental energy to be unable to achieve the shadow.


      time is a journey with no return, good and bad are scenery.


      even if the heavy rain turns the whole city upside down, i will give you a hug.


      do not love me, i will give you the right to break up, just don't regret.


      many relationships around me are beginning to fade, and i am more and more lazy.


      for you, as long as my heart is beating, i will always love you.


      i don't understand, the first moment of heart to heart, the second moment of heart concealment.

收敛野心2024-03-25 14:13:57




















