


      英 [əˈvendʒ]

      美 [əˈvɛndʒ]

      vt. 为 ... 报复; 报仇

      副词: avengingly 名词: avenger 过去式: avenged 过去分词: avenged 现在分词: avenging 第三人称单数: avenges


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  •       报复,报仇


  •       报复,为…进行报复
  •       为...报仇,复仇
  •       替...雪耻
  •       惩办


  •       vt. 报(某事)之仇; 向(某人)报仇 (formal)to punish or hurt sb in return for sth bad or wrong that they have done to you, your family or friends


      1. take revenge for a perceived wrong

      e.g. He wants to avenge the murder of his brother

      Synonym: revengeretaliate

      1. 报…之仇;雪…之耻
      If you avenge a wrong or harmful act, you hurt or punish the person who is responsible for it.


      e.g. He has devoted the past five years to avenging his daughter's death...
      e.g. She had decided to avenge herself and all the other women he had abused.

      He saw himself as a Master of the Universe, an avenger of wrongs.

      1. 为...报仇:57) revenge 报仇 | avenge 为...报仇 | 58) story 故事

      2. 和:The two counties are at war.这两个国家在交战. | 9. avenge 和revenge | She avenged herself on her father's killers.她对杀父者进行了报复.

      3. 报仇:autonomous自治的 | avenge 报仇vt. | revenge报仇n.

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文


  •       I will avenge you.
  •       “Rest in peace, comrades,” she murmured.“We'll avenge you!”
  •       “It'll be years before you're big enough. We'll avenge your mother for you.”
  •       I shall avenge my brother:the man who killed him shall die.
  •       He avenged his sister.
  •       She avenged her husband.
  •       I have avenged my ancestors.
  •       He wanted to avenge himself for his sufferings.
  •       He promised to avenge his father's murder
  •       He avenged the wrong that had been done to his sister.
  •       She avenged her father's murder.
  •       I will avenge the death of my brother.
  •       Who would avenge her death?
  •       They avenged his death by burning the village.
  •       He avenged the insult by refusing to give money to the scheme.
  •       The settlers avenged the burning of the fort by destroying an Indian village.
  •       I will avenge you on the enemy.
  •       “Now I avenge myself upon those who have eaten up my substance and would destroy my home!” cried the hero.
  •       He swears that he will avenge himself on you sooner or later.
  •       He avenged himself on his enemies.
  •       He swore to avenge himself on the mafia.
  •       They began to avenge themselves on their neighbours for the years of suppression.
  •       Hamlet wanted to avenge himself on〔upon〕 Claudius.
  •       She was determined to avenge herself on the man who had betrayed her.
  •       At the end of the play,Hamlet avenged his father's death upon the murderer.
  •       She avenged her mother's death upon the Nazi soldiers.
  •       The Indians avenged the burning of their village on〔upon〕 the settlers.
  • 1
  •       She will be avenged on him for an insult sooner or later.
  •       He was avenged on the murderer of his brother.
  •       He was amply avenged on an enemy for an injury.

      用作动词 (v.)

  •       When wilt thou be auenged of my aduersaries?

    出自:Bible (Coverdale): Psalms
  •       Avenge, O Lord, thy slaughtered saints.

  •       Private grudges were avenged.

    出自:W. N. Massey
  •       Edwy had the power to avenge himself upon Dunstan.

    出自:W. F. Hook
  •       Those who offend us are generally punished..but we so frequently miss the satisfaction of knowing that we are avenged.

    出自:A. Trollope
  •       Why Hamlet..did not avenge upon his hated uncle his father's death.

    出自:L. Trilling
  •       The ferocity and guile with which Absalom had avenged the rape of his sister.

    出自:D. Jacobson
  •       词语用法

  •       词义讲解


  •       avenge的基本意思是“为(受害、受辱、含冤等)进行报复”,是及物动词,其宾语为所受害或受辱之事,可为名词或动名词。报复的对象可由on 或upon引出。
  •       avenge还可表示“替(受害者)报仇”,也是及物动词,其宾语为受害者。
  •       avenge还可接oneself或用被动语态,意为“报仇; 复仇”。


avenge, revenge
  •       这组词的共同意思是“报复”。其区别是:
  •       1.avenge和revenge都可用于为自己所受的伤害而报仇, avenge还可指为别人所受的伤害而报仇。
  •       2.revenge多出于利己的动机,而非出于利他的动机; avenge多出于正义的动机,是高尚的用语。
  •       3.avenge强调“惩罚”,而revenge强调“报复”“出气”,惩罚意义较淡。
  •       4.avenge强调为受冤屈者或受害者等报仇。此举虽出于个人行为,然而是匡扶正义,而对方罪有应得。revenge强调对个人所受的冤屈予以报复,实施报复者多是受害者本身,但有时并非出于正义,此种冤屈可能实有其事,但也可能出于猜测,或个人私怨。
  •       5.avenge只可用作动词,而revenge却可用作动词或名词。
    •       近义词

    •       反义词

    •       临近词





          I shall avenge my brother: the man who killed him shall die.(我要为我的兄弟报仇,杀死他的人应该死去。)

          They were burning to avenge the death of their leader.(他们极为激动地要为他们首领之死报仇。)

          He vowed to avenge the insult.(他发誓要报复那次侮辱。)

          She swore to avenge herself on them for the insult that had been offered to her name and reputation.(她发誓为侮辱她的名望和声誉向他们进行报复。)

          He vowed to avenge martyrs.(他发誓要为烈士报仇。)

          If I die, take good care in bringingup our boy. He has unusual signs and will grow up to avenge me.(我若死,汝好生看养吾儿;吾儿有异相,长大必当与吾报仇也。)

          Before our eyes, make known among the nations that you avenge the outpoured blood of your servants.(愿你使外邦人知道你在我们眼前,伸你仆人流血的冤。)

          Hamlet wanted to avenge himself on [upon] Claudius.(哈姆雷特要向克劳狄斯进行报复。)

          "I suppose you're going to tell me that your boyfriend will avenge you?"(“我猜,你会告诉我,你的男朋友会为你复仇的?”)

          I want to right past wrongs but not avenge them.(我希望纠正过去的错误,而不是单纯地寻仇。)

          avenge是什么意思 avenge在线翻译 avenge什么意思 avenge的意思 avenge的翻译 avenge的解释 avenge的发音 avenge的同义词
