


      计算机科学与技术系的英文简称是IT,和首全称是Information Technology。

      Information?读法:英?[?nf?'me?n] ;美?[?nf?r'me?n] 。?







      软件开发(Software development)是根据用户要求建造出软件系统或者系统中的软件部分的过程。软件开发是一项包括需求捕捉、需求分析、设计、实现和测试的系统工程。


      计算机网络技术(Computer network technology)是通信技术与计算机技术相结合的产物。计算机网络是按照网络协议,将地兆皮球上分散的、独立的计算机相互连接的集合。


      计算机应用专业(Technology of Computer Application)的特色是“厚基础,重方向”。本专业学生可以学到很扎实的计算机应用基础知识,就业面广;同时,在此基础上又强化专业方向,学生们有重点地掌握一个专门化的技能,以便从事专业性较强的计算机岗位工作。




      The software system can be divided into two major parts:application software and system softwareApplication software is consist of programs of tasks which are performed specifically in machineCompared with application software,system software includes lots of programsThis kind of softwares start your computer and be the main coordinator between all the hardwares and application softwaresHardwares and application softwares will not work unless you install/load the system software into/in your RAM

      系统软件可以分为三个基本部分:操作系统、实用程序软件和语言翻译程序。一个安装的大多数实用程序软件都是由一拿裤芦些程序组成,这些纯敏程序执行还未包括在OS 中,但对于计算机安装是基本的一些动作。在某种意义上,实用软件是由扩充OS能力的那些软件部件组成的。

      The system software has three basic parts:the operating system,utility software and language processing proceduresAn installed utility software is usually composed of some programsThose executions of programs are not included in the operating system,but there are basic activities of the computer installationIn a sense,utility softwares is composed of those components that extending the function of operating system


      The computer OS is the main collection of managing its active programs The routine work of OS is management and control OS ensures that all the actions of user requests are allowable, and processed in an orderly way It also manages the computer system resources for the effective and consistent implementation of these operations


      Application software is the software which is designed to help you solve your specific business problem or to perform specific business tasksSo the application software is the software layer closest to youAnd basically there are four types of application software: production software, business /professional software, entertainment software and educational software/reference software




      As a typical management information system, the paper introduces the language based on HTML, Javascript source code nested ASP programming to IIS as a service platform to build online auction system Introduced a system development environment and operating platform, ASP, HTML scripts and Javascript The use of ACCESS database management system for the entire auction background data System of commodity classification online information management, information to add, modify, delete, even making the user can browse through the merchandise Login information can also竟价and purchase of commodities and other features to support system administrators online commodity auction management


      Computer Science and Technology。


      1We simply need to add a reference to the COM component

      2The ASPNET SOAP extension architecture revolves around an extension that can inspect or modify a message at specific stages in message processing on either the client or the serverA SOAP extension would allow the capture and processing of SOAP messages

      3XmlDatadocuments allows structured data to be stored, retrieved, and manipulated through a relational DataSet

      XMLDatadocuments enables you to load either relational data or XML data and manipulate that data

      4We most populate the tables that are references by the foreign-key constraints first, namely the Students and the Subjects table We should populate the Subject Taken table last

快乐天使2024-06-17 15:57:05




















