



      there is a kind of memory, lingering in the heart.


      i know all your stories, but it's full of her name.


      i guess the ambiguous meaning is that in a sunny day, love never comes.


      people are happy when they are simple, but old when they are sophisticated.


      please yourself, others, friendship and mood.


      you never come to my heart, i'm just the place where you stop.


      true to change only betrayal, why do i linger.


      i've been watching you, in all the ways you know or don't know.


      how many times have you turned off your mobile phone in a fit of pique and turned it on, only to find nothing.


      not too stubborn, is afraid of weak, no one to give me the shoulder.


      love you is not a game, tears are not acting, instant happiness is not beautiful!


      how much watch, just season's smile.


      you read, or do not read me, love is there, do not come or go.


      i pay you so many years of youth, in exchange for a thank you for your success.


      when sad, find a place to be still in a daze.


      before i decide to give up a person, i must have stood in the cold wind for a long time.


      love yourself and the one you love is happiness. you can remember the past.


      think of you when some happy, happy some sad.


      when a heart flies away, the embrace of two people makes people want to shed tears.


      deep water slows the flow, but late words make people expensive.


      don't start without preparation, don't promise without ability.


      if you don't love me, don't perfunctorily. get out of here, i won't hurt half a snack.


      love is not worth mentioning in front of life.


      if you don't forget it, don't forget it. if you don't feel it, you will be released.


      just want to be with you like this, in my heart always love you a person.


      i've heard a lot of impossibilities, but i still stick to one person.


      if not like each other, your infatuation will only be the burden of others.


      heartache so, why to think; just have too much helpless in the heart, do not know how to face.


      it doesn't matter. it's not the first time you've made me sad.


      sometimes, we are like cactus, guard against others, lonely ourselves.


      lonely wandering, a person walking in the corner.


      i practice every day, practicing not to miss you.


      there are so many scattered people, why do you feel aggrieved to be sad.


      no matter how much i can't put it down, every relationship will be a vicissitude in the end.


      the sun rises in the east and rain in the west. the road is not sunny but sunny.


      i look like a passer-by to see your life sad, you are not happy for me.


      can not be happy, do not want to force. if it's going to lose, why have it.


      i don't think about you. i think about myself.


      we keep searching for memories, but we can't find ourselves at that time.


      you are the only sunshine in my life, but the only sunshine does not shine on me.


      don't make your self righteous kindness a burden on others.


      youth is a beautiful sadness, i didn't cry, but tears came down.


      looking up at the sky, the world has too much helpless.


      no one cares about you unless you're beautiful or dying.


      no matter how to retrieve, no matter how to pursue, the result of parting cannot be changed.


      i feel lonely in the sea of people. i cry when i watch a comedy.


      there are some people in life who are familiar with us, but still want to say goodbye.


      you can see the words i left on the screen, you can't see my tears on the keyboard.


      light, bored on the scattered, this is the so-called love.


      it's raining heavily outside. the pavilion sobbed softly, only to hate not knowing people.


      familiarity becomes weariness, weariness turns to disgust.


      the hourglass turns upside down, and the pains of life go through again and again.


      all said that everything along with fate, can encounter the heart of the people or can not help but try more.


      in the end, to laugh more hypocritical, in order to integrate into the world.


      i really want to point to the heart and tell you with pride that you are no longer here.


      i didn't let the people around me feel sad, but i found that it was me who was hurt.


      the left hand holds happiness, the right hand holds the memory, the flowers bloom invincibly.


      i have passed your heart, not that i don't want to stay, but that you refuse to take in.


      crying when no one coax, i learned to be strong.


      i just want someone to understand me, even if i don't say anything.

玫瑰2024-03-23 16:12:42




















