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  • 3公司深圳报业集团
  • Ü简介: 大陆首份地方性英文日报,创刊于1997年7月1日。立足深圳本土,关注天下大事,倾力打造原创双语视频。热线:...
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49分钟前来自 微博视频号已编辑
#2024粤港澳大湾区车展##雷军祝福高考考生#The 2024 Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area International Auto Show kicked off on June 1 at the Shenzhen World Convention& Exhibition Center in Bao'an District, It will last until June 9. 粤港澳大湾区车展持续到6月9号。比亚迪携旗 ​​​​...展开全文c
今天 11:23来自 微博视频号已编辑
【国家航天局发布嫦娥六号月背着陆影像】 L新华社的微博视频China's Chang'e-6 touched down on the far side of the moon on Sunday morning, and will collect samples from this rarely explored terrain for the first ​​​​...展开全文c
【雷军:认认真真造一辆好车】Speaking at the 2nd Future Auto Pioneer Conference, part of the 28th GBA Auto Show opening today in Shenzhen, Xiaomi’s CEO Lei Jun said his company's efforts to earnestly make every single car ​​​​...展开全文c

L深圳晚报的微博视频At BYD's Yangwang booth, the Yangwang U9 sports car, which can understand human speech, dance, and turn on the spot, became a crowd favorite, eliciting continuous exclamations from the audience. ​​​​
6月1日 15:44来自 iPhone 14 Pro已编辑
#雷军余承东李斌同框##2024粤港澳大湾区车展#On June 1, the 2024 Pioneers in Future Automobiles Conference was held in Shenzhen, gathering many prominent figures in the automotive industry. Before the conference began, a photo session featuring notable guests captured a moment ​​​​...展开全文c
#中国又一项跨海大桥即将开通##苏炳添家乡中山古镇#Shenzhen-Zhongshan Link (Shenzhong Link), a remarkable cross-sea cluster project spanning the Pearl River,estuary to seamlessly connect Shenzhen and Zhongshan. 这是一项令世人瞩目的跨海工程,它让深圳与中山之间的车程从2小时缩短至 ​​​​...展开全文c
#纽约一法院裁定特朗普在封口费案中有罪#【纽约一法院陪审团裁定特朗普在封口费案中有罪】L新浪军事的微博视频A jury in New York on Thursday found former U.S. President Donald Trump guilty on all charges in the hush money case.
Trump was found guilty of all 34 felony counts of falsif ​​​​...展开全文c
【一次次双向奔赴!外企为何坚定看好深圳?】深圳,这座“创新之都”,又一次让外企纷纷点赞!他们为何如此坚定看好这片热土?Shenzhen, known as the "City of Innovation," once again earns praise from foreign companies! What makes them so confident in the prospects of this vibrant land? ​​​​...展开全文c
#依达方填补全球晚期肺癌双抗新药治疗的空白#5月29日,中山康方生物联合创始人、高级副总裁王忠民博士和媒体分享康方生物在肿瘤、自身免疫等重大疾病领域的研发进展。近日,康方生物独立自主研发的全球首创新型新药依达方®,获得国家药品监督管理局批准上市,用于治疗适应症为联合化疗治疗经表皮生长 ​​​​...展开全文c
#深圳下调个人住房贷款最低首付款比例#和利率下限】Shenzhen has lowered the minimum down payment ratio and interest rate floors for personal housing loans, effective from May 29.
For the first home, the minimum down payment ratio for personal housing loans has been lowered from 30 ​​​​...展开全文c
现场测评!法国企业在深圳首发超轻自行车!这一款超轻自行车究竟有何过人之处,让深圳成为它的首发站?快来关注企业湾区发展故事!Live evaluation! A French company debuts ultra-light bicycles in Shenzhen! What makes this ultra-light bike stand out and choose Shenzhen as its launchpad? St ​​​​...展开全文c
Delve into the vibrant cultural tapestry captured by our reporters at the 20th ICIF in Shenzhen! From a myriad of cultural products to rich heritage on display, witness the essence of this mega fair through their lens. ​​​​
【120 种语言 AI 翻译神器亮相文博会】#第二十届文博会##文博会精彩瞬间#Wei Bo, the CEO of LAiPIC, introduced his company's innovative AI translator. This magnetic device, which attaches to your smartphone, promises to revolutionize the way we communicate across languages. ​​​​...展开全文c
【今天,一辆飞行汽车首次飞越深圳CBD】#飞行汽车##小鹏#The X2, a flying car developed by Xpeng Aeroht affiliated with automaker Xpeng, made its first vertical takeoff from Shenzhen Talent Park Plaza today. It circled the park at a height of 30 meters, successfully completing a lo ​​​​...展开全文c
