


      stop的现在分词:stopping;第三人称单数现在时:stops;过去分词:stopped;过去时:stopped。stopping读音:英[?st?p?];美[?stɑ?p?]。释义:v.(使)停止,停下;(使)中断,停止;(使)结束,终止。n.停止;阻止;车站;停留;停车;车站;飞机场;停留。例句:When I asked him to stop,he would not listen.我叫他停下,可他不听。


      stop to停下来要做。

      stop for留下吃。

      stop by顺便访问。

      stop on继续停留。

      stop at nothing毫无顾忌,不择手段。


      1、The criticisms will not stop people flocking to see the film.


      2、Stop asking questions!You should know when enough is enough.


      3、He insisted we stop at a small restaurant just outside of Atlanta.


      4、He proposed a new diplomatic initiative to try to stop the war.


      5、I saw Louise walking slowly to the bus stop.



      1、We need more laws to stop pollution.


      2、If I had the choice,I would stop working tomorrow.


      3、I want to go and you can't stop me.


      4、You can't stop people from saying what they think.


      5、It is time to put a stop to the violence.


      6、You have no right to stop me from going in there.


      7、People just don't stop to think about the consequences.


      8、You can't stop people saying what they think.


      9、I'll stop by and see you next time I'm down your way.


      10、The car developed engine trouble and we had to stop.


      11、I'm warning you for the last time─stop talking!


      12、The bus stopped and four people got on.


      13、I get off at the next stop.


      14、There's a bus stop in front of the house.


      15、Stop up the other end of the tube,will you?


      16、Stop trying to run my life for me.


      17、She tried to stop the flow of blood from the wound.


      18、Stop feeling sorry for yourself and think about other people for a change.


      19、You must stop the press from finding out at all costs.


      20、Could we stop by next week?


邂逅黄昏2024-01-07 15:56:38




















