“I eat no fish”不是“我不吃鱼”,真正的意思差远了

恒星英语学习网 2020年08月23日

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      不知道大家平时爱不爱吃鱼,如果外国人跟你说“I eat no fish”,你知道是什么意思吗?难道是说“我不吃鱼”?其实这句话与英国女王伊丽莎白一世的一则轶闻典故有关。

      eat no fish 忠实可靠的人;诚实可信的人

      “eat no fish”是“eat no fish on Friday”的缩写。天主教教徒每周五为小斋日。小斋的规定是不准吃肉,但是不限制鱼虾。因此,在天主教中,星期五不能吃肉,就吃鱼。久而久之就成了惯例,一直到今天,欧洲许多天主教地区还维持着星期五吃鱼的习俗。

      在英国伊丽莎白一世统治期间,出现了一个新的说法:eat no fish on Friday。伊丽莎白一世即位后带领英国干脆利落地又转向了新教。按照新制定的英国国教会官方教义规定,英国国教会摒弃了天主教星期五不准吃肉的斋戒。

      于是,许多老百姓为了表明自己的立场,提出了“eat no fish on Friday”。我们偏偏就跟你们对着来,星期五就是不吃鱼。“eat no fish on Friday”又缩略成“eat no fish”。随后,“不吃鱼”就成了与政府保持一致的标志。“不吃鱼的人”就成了“忠于政府的人”衍生成了“诚实可信的人”的同义词。


      I don't like fish (= don't like to eat fish).


      She fished in her tool box for the right screwdriver.


      The director was fishing for information about our strategy.

      He's always fishing for compliments.

      fish sth out (从水中)拖出;(从包或口袋中)拿出,取出

      Police fished a body out of the river this morning.

      He fished out a cigarette and lit up.

      还有一种说法是“fish out”,它的意思是“水域里的鱼被捕尽”,要注意区分fish和out中有没有sth。

      fish or cut bait 全力以赴或索性放弃

      “fish or cut bait”的意思是“下定决心就别再动摇”。

      He's been promising voters that he'll support gun control, now it's time to fish or cut bait.

      fish tank 鱼缸;水族箱

      It was my job to wash out the fish tank.

      an odd/queer fish 怪人


      Hughes is anything but an extremely odd fish.

      fish in troubled waters 浑水摸鱼

      All they wanted was to make bad blood between them and fish in troubled waters.

      a fishing expedition 收罗信息、资料


      The investigators' request for the company's accounts is simply a fishing expedition - they have no real evidence of wrongdoing.

      have bigger/other fish to fry 有更重要的事情要做

      I know you’re upset that we're not going away on holiday this year, but we’ve got bigger fish to fry.

      there are plenty more fish in the sea

      Don't cry over Pierre - there are plenty more fish in the sea!


      cherry pick 精挑细选;选择最好的

      Paul always cherry picks the best books from the second hand book shop.

      go bananas 发疯;发怒

      We may not be able to go bananas for much longer.

      tough cookie 坚定的人;坚强的人

      She is a tough cookie.

      salad days 青涩时光;少不更事的时光

      I often look back to my salad days when I was in high school.
