
我的听力网站 2005年12月19日 16:00



      [00:00.00]Unit 16
      [00:13.95]What's for dinner?
      [00:16.74]Part 1
      [00:19.44]Ask and answer.
      [00:23.25]1.Mum,what's for dinner today?
      [00:27.64]2.What would you like?We have many things.You can have a look.
      [00:34.35]3.Can we have some pizza and vegetable salad?
      [00:38.64]4.No problem!I'll make them now.
      [00:43.34]1.Hi,Sam!What would you like for lunch?
      [00:48.25]2.Some sandwiches.
      [00:51.15]3.How about some pizza?
      [00:54.33]4.No,thanks.I don't like cheese.
      [00:58.41]Part 2
      [01:01.10]Listen,read and tick.
      [01:09.69]apple   bananas   coconut1
      [01:15.81]mango   lime   orange
      [01:21.61]pineapple   watermelon   lemon
      [01:30.78]bread   burger   cake
      [01:36.57]cheese   eggs   chicken
      [01:42.87]fish   French-fries
      [01:47.57]meat   pizza   sausage
      [01:53.48]sandwich   rice   flour
      [02:01.78]bean   carrot   tomato   potato
      [02:11.45]milk   juice   lemonade
      [02:17.53]tea   water   soup   coffee
      [02:29.13]biscuit   pasta   chocolate   sweets
      [02:36.53]Other words:
      [02:39.22]jam   spoon   knife
      [02:44.41]plate   fork   salt
      [02:50.21]chopsticks   pepper   sugar
      [02:56.22]Part 4
      [03:00.22]Listen and tick or cross.
      [03:04.42]Good evening,sir.
      [03:07.43]Here's the menu.
      [03:10.22]Dongdong,today's your birthday.
      [03:14.82]I'd like fish and salad.
      [03:18.22]What would you like,mum?
      [03:21.22]I'd like cucumber and Jiaozi.
      [03:25.71]How have fried chicken boiled peanuts and a bottle of beer.
