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【楼兰美女是谁?】 #哇~新疆#新疆维吾尔自治区博物馆里有一个珍贵馆藏展品,人们怀着巨大的好奇排长队参观,这就是世界著名的古尸之一、有“楼兰美女”雅称的楼兰女尸。她于1980年在新疆罗布泊出土,距今 3800 年,死亡年龄大概在 40-45 岁,生前高约 155.8 厘米,尖高鼻梁,眼睛深凹,长长睫毛,下巴尖俏,栗色直发披散于肩,甚至体毛、指甲、皮纹均清楚可见。从复原照片来看,她的确堪称“美女”! The signature exhibit of the Xinjiang Regional Museum is that of the well-preserved corpses buried in ancient times. These are quite different from the mummies in Egypt that were created through skilled embalming procedures; rather, these corpses were dried naturally by the environment. The most famous one is the so-called "LoulanBeauty" from around 4,000 years ago. Unearthed north of the Lop Nur in 1980, the corpse was believed to have died in her 40s. Visitors can still catch a glimpse of her beauty from her long brown hair, thick eyelashes, protruding nose, and pointed chin. L北京外语广播的微博视频
