The Japan Association of College English Teachers (JACET) The 61st JACET International Convention (Online) CALL FOR PAPERS

中国英汉语比较研究... 2022年01月12日 16:00:05

      Theme: Redesigning of Language and Culture Education in the Global Process of Digital Transformation 
Date: August 24th (Wed.) – August 26th (Fri.), 2022 
Venue: Online 
1. Research areas 
      International Convention theme, Applied Linguistics (Corpus Linguistics, Discourse Analysis, Intercultural Communication, Pragmatics, Psycholinguistics, SLA, Sociolinguistics), Content-Integrated Approaches (CLIL, EAP, EMI, ESP, PBLT, TBLT), Digital Learning & Technologies (CALL, e-Learning, ICT, Mobile Learning), Global Englishes (EIL, ELF, WE), Language Assessment, Learner & Teacher Development (Autonomy, Belief, Identity, Strategy, Teacher Education), Listening & Speaking, Materials Development, Program Administration (Curriculum, Language Policy), Reading & Writing, Research Methodology, Vocabulary & Grammar 
2. Submission requirements 
2.1 Presentation types 
      (1) Research paper: Theoretical and empirical research findings in language education, especially ELT, and related disciplines 
      (2) Case study / Action research: Report on classroom activities or curriculum innovation, mainly in higher education 
2.2 Presentation format 
      (1) 25-minute online synchronous presentations, including a 5-minute Q and A 
      (2) English or Japanese presentations (English preferable) 
2.3 Eligibility 
      (1) To be eligible to present, the presenter (or in a group presentation, the first presenter) must be either a. or b. below: 
      a. A JACET member who has paid the fiscal year 2022 (April 1st, 2022 - March 31st, 2023) membership fee. If the JACET office has not received the membership payment, the presentation will be canceled. If the first author is not a JACET member, he or she must become a member prior to the presentation. To apply for membership, go to 
      Note: For group presentations, other presenters do not need to be JACET members. 
      b. A member of an overseas JACET affiliate (ALAK, CELEA, ETA-ROC, KATE, MELTA, PKETA, SEAMEO RELC, and Thai TESOL), or a member of AILA affiliates ( aila_affiliates/). Colleagues overseas who are not members of the affiliated organizations need to become JACET members in order to be eligible for the presentation. 
      To join JACET, please go to 
      Note: For group presentations, all other presenters must be either members of an overseas JACET affiliate, AILA affiliates, or JACET members. Those who are not must have completed the membership payment prior to the presentation. 
      (2) Only one abstract submission per person (including associate members) is permitted. 
      (3) Papers should not have been previously published or presented. 
      (4) Papers should be presented at the convention by their authors. All authors must be present at the time of their 
      presentation. In case of emergency, notify the JACET office. 
      (5) Presenting in English is highly encouraged. 
      (6) All types of presentations should, as a basic rule, have no more than 5 presenters. 
2.4 Application Procedure –All applications must be completed online. 
      Abstracts in a maximum of 300 words in English or 800 characters in Japanese, along with author information, should be submitted through the JACET 61st International Convention website: 

  •       Research papers should address aim, hypothesis/research questions, methodology, results/findings, and conclusion. Case study and action research reports should offer contextual information, such as student profiles, class size, educational purposes, and pedagogic design. In both cases, references should not be included in abstracts. 
2.5 Submission period 
      January 4th (Tue.) - February 28th (Mon.), 2022 (11:59:59 p.m. JST)
3. Selection of Presentations 
      After the final selection, the first presenter will be notified by email of the status of the proposal at the end of March 2022. The IDs of selected presentations will also be announced at the Web page of JACET. 
      In order to give the presentation, registration fees for the 61st JACET International Convention (Online) must be paid by May 27th, 2022
4. JACET International Convention Selected Papers 
      Presenters are encouraged to submit a paper for the Selected Papers (JACET International Convention Selected Papers Vol. 9) after the convention. Guidelines for submissions will be announced at a later date. 
5. Registration fee 
      * Members include the members of JACET, a member of an overseas JACET affiliate (ALAK, CELEA, ETA-ROC, KATE, MELTA, PKETA, SEAMEO RELC, and Thai TESOL), or a member of AILA affiliates. 
6. For inquiries 
      Please email to by February 18th (Fri.) 
      Any email inquiries sent after that time may not be answered in time for the deadline. 
      Telephone inquiries to the JACET Office can only be received between 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. on weekdays