购物英语口语样样通(MP3+中英字幕) Unit59:归档方法

恒星英语学习网 2018年03月14日

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      迅雷高速下载    音频下载[点击右键另存为]Unit 59 Filing Methods第59课 归档方法As you all know, in English things are filed by alphabetical order. But what some of you may not realize is that in English-peaking countries people's names are virtually always filed according to their family or last name. This makes a difference if you're looking for a book by a certain author in a library or a bookstore or a CD by a particular singer.大家知道,在英文中,物品是以英文字母排序来归档的。但是有些人也许不知道在英语系国家中,人们的名字事实上是依他们的姓来归档的。这点造成了大家在图书馆或书店找某个作者的书或找某一个歌手的CD时,会有些不同。This method of filing is different from the one used in China for English names. For instance, in some CD stores in China George Michael's CDs are under "G". But if you look for his CDs under“G" in the U. S., you aren't going to find any. Instead, you have to look under M. Of course, it's different with bands or artists with one name. You'll find Madonna under "M" in the U.S. just like in China.这种英文名字的归档方法和中国的不一样。例如,在中国,有些CD唱片行,乔治·迈可的CD归类在“G”档下。但是如果在美国你在“G”的归类里找他的CD,是找不到的。相反,你须在“M”档下去找。当然,对单一名字的乐团或是歌手来说,情况就不是这样了。在美国,你会在“M”档下找到麦当娜,就像在中国一样。